Translation from English

Saturday, July 6, 2013

People in Central Park, Heat Wave

People were out in force in Central Park--running, cycling, hiking, at picnics, playing frisbee and watching kids play with squirt guns...

Certainly hope man above knows what he is doing...saw him running lost distance in hear...well, some people bear up with it better than others..
Runner stretching before he goes out knows like he knows what he is doing...

 Meanwhile, this wedding party up at Harlem Meer is very happy despite the heat...people have a  lot of weddings in the nearby Conservatory Gardens...
Women up on old bridge near the reservoir look like they are having fun strolling in the Park...
While this man reads in the shade...
And this man just communes with Nature..or the created Nature...or Central Park. Hey, this is what Olmstead designed the Park for, so that people could feel like they had escaped the grid of city streets and found this green oasis...
..And these kinds are finally in a place where they can frolic with squirt guns on a hot day and not have someone freak out because he thinks they have real guns or something...
And people find all the Park cyclist byways...
Or stick to the main roads on their long loop all around the Park....

Hot as it was, it seemed to me just about everybody was having a good time...I bet even more people will be out in the Park on Sunday, the last day forecast for heat wave...dressed in light clothes, wearing sun screen and little hats if they want to, keeping themselves well hydrated...and just having a chance to forget the workaday world around the edges of the Park.

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