Did you make any firefighter-related resolutions for 2016? Share them in the comment section below.
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Lorraine C Van Ryckeghem To make more Awareness!!! Powerpink
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Enjoy checking out some of the best videos from the last 12 months:
If you have any other favorite videos from this year, please let us know in the comment section below.
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Sagar Karmalkar The primary mission of the Fire Service is to save LIVES, and property. Stretaching lines is a technique, not a mission!!
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Walker Chandler PJ Champagne reminds me of firefighter one!
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The 13-year-old was doing handstands on the roof when he slipped and fell into the chimney.
It marks the third time this year that the fire department has had to pull people out of chimneys.
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Melissa Parker How do you go from handstand on a roof to in the chimney?
LikeReply615 hrs
Curtis R. Steinhauer No real details on how he had tumbled five feet then fell into the chimney. Also the two previous calls where the adults were stuck in chimneys because they locked themselves out of their homes. Must be something in the water or food in Phoenix for thi...See More
LikeReply314 hrs
How many babies have you helped deliver in your career?
The first baby was delivered in the mother's home, the second 5 minutes later in the ambulance en route to the hospital.
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Linda Reed Brown God Bless the new little twins!
LikeReply117 hrs
Dave Goff Two, both while my wife was pregnant with our first child 15 + years ago.
LikeReply17 hrs
Does your department charge for mutual aid? If so, how much?
The board approved charging neighboring fire departments between $1,000 and $5,000 for every two-hour stint a Metro fire truck spends responding to a fire outside its boundaries.
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Roger Ringer It is not Mutual aid. If it is departments that refuse to maintain adequate equipment and personel and depend on the dept. for normal back up that is another story. We had the situation with a few vol. departmets years ago that simply did not maintain enough for their own service let alone mutual aid.
LikeReply1019 hrs
David Thorn Wtf seriously? I've never heard of charging for mutual aid. That's not mutual aid, it's charging for service. If your department is short on funds to pay for assistance then what are you supposed to do?
LikeReply1219 hrs
It's been a rough few days for these responders, victims and their families. Stay safe out there.
One Missouri fire district has made more than 100 rescues by boat since the flooding began.
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Kathy Horst May God bless all of the families, victims and responders dealing with the flooding in Missouri and Illinois.
LikeReply119 hrs
Mike Ribbing My brothers and sisters were working 2-3 days straight sand bagging making rescues of both human and animal. Solid work from all!!
LikeReply112 hrs
Four teams of firefighters were working to put out the blaze; the fire appears to have originated on a 20th floor terrace.
At least 14 people were slightly injured and one person suffered a heart attack from the smoke and over-crowding during evacuation.
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Mark Gandzyk I watched as much footage of that fire as I could. What I kept noticing is that the fire appeared to be rolling & spreading up the exterior, not really "rolling" out from interior spaces. Did they cover the entire building in plastic? It seemed to be burning like a rolled-up newspaper... The exterior flamed off, but the interior may have sustained little damage.
LikeReply123 hrs
Steve Cooper The 'news' bits that I saw said that the fire was only on the 'outside' of the building (presumably the balconies?) and that the "interior fire extinguishers" (sprinklers, I infer) were protecting the inside of the building. Nice theory, but I seriou...See More
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Happy New Year to all of our FireRescue1 fans. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and safe 2016.
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Denise Upton Marcus Happy New Year!' Stay Safe!!
Victoire Papillon Happy New year from France smile emoticon
Rest easy, Chief.
Chief David Kray, 70, retired in early December after 30 years as chief and almost 50 years on the fire department.
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Joe Bosch Chief Kray was a great man, He was not my chief but I had the privilege of working with him on mutual aide calls. He will surely be missed. RIP Chief Kray.
We want to know: What's the most likely major change to hit the fire service in 2016? The best answers will be chosen for an upcoming article!
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Jr Shearer Attitude...from the top to the bottom it's got to get better! The higher ups are dealing with everything that comes with the job some not so good. That trickles down through the ranks. The new folks that don't appreciate tradition, that just want to be the shirt wearer's and not the workers or listeners need to change their ATTITUDE!!!
Andy W. Rice If we are discussing overall, our Nation's Fire service, and not just major metropolitan departments, then the biggest change will be in tactics for understanding how to deal with and manage long term drought conditions that will continuously plague a ...See More
The death knell has sounded for many a good-intentioned resolution; here are promises to improve your career that you can and should keep:
Make 2016 a year you resolve to get better at what you do. 
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Russell B. Stevens IV What is a knell? Did you mean to say nail? Resolution for you, fire your editor and English class.
LikeReply8 hrs
Steve Cooper Great -- advice for 2016 written a YEAR ago, and not that great then.
LikeReply15 hrs
Violators were fined just 4 percent of the time, down from 10 percent when the drought was declared four years ago.
The rate of homeowners disobeying the law also increased during that period.
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Linda Hall Hipshur They done nothing but slap on the hand to actor that was using water.money talks bullshit walks.
Charles Schulz Just like where I live the folks burn trash on the windiest and during extreme fire dangers, WTH?
The mother's boyfriend went to a fire station to report that she killed the 3-year-old; the child was found in a suitcase floating behind the home.
The mother was arrested and charged with murder.