
The newest companies that could change the world
  • How I Created A $350 Million Software Company Knowing Nothing About SoftwareCRUNCH NETWORK

    How I Created A $350 Million Software Company Knowing Nothing About Software

    I’ve always wanted to make a lot of money, have people pay a lot of attention to me and do a lot of exciting things. I just never knew how. Many of my friends who are founders of their own companies tell me how they exhibited the entrepreneurial spirit as a kid — they sold candy out of their backpacks, had a landscaping business during the summer, etc. They created value and… Read More
  • Investing In Artificial IntelligenceCRUNCH NETWORK

    Investing In Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting and transformative opportunities of our time. From my vantage point as a venture investor at Playfair Capital, where I focus on investing and building community around AI, I see this as a great time for investors to help build companies in this space. Read More
  • Alibaba To Invest $1.25B In Restaurant Delivery Service, Says Report

    Alibaba To Invest $1.25B In Restaurant Delivery Service, Says Report

    Alibaba will reportedly invest $1.25 billion in, a food delivery service based in Shanghai, says financial news site Caixin (link via Google Translate). The deal would Alibaba the startup’s biggest shareholder, with a 27.7 percent stake. Read More
  • Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil Talks Video In 2016

    Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil Talks Video In 2016

    2015 was a big year for video — especially when it came to user-generated video. Now there are services like Periscope and Meerkat, which are enabling users to broadcast the world around them live. We also saw YouTube launch a subscription model. And, according to Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil — who led the firm’s investment in Twitch — we’re… Read More
  • 13 Asian Startups To Watch In 2016

    2015 was an eventful year for the tech industry in Asia. Funding started to flow in India, which is expected to become the world’s second-largest Internet market soon, while many tech companies in China, South Korea, and Southeast Asia also hit key milestones. The following is just a small sample of startups that will do impressive things next year in industries ranging from finance… Read More
  • #MisguidedPR: The Industry’s Internal CrisisCRUNCH NETWORK

    #MisguidedPR: The Industry’s Internal Crisis

    A U.S. Department of Labor report last year stated there were approximately 57,000 PR managers and 208,000 PR specialists in America; conversely, there were only 46,500 journalists. Do the math.That means there are roughly 5.7 PR professionals for every one journalist. That’s like the equivalent to having six crying babies with only one babysitter. Read More
  • Video Ad Startup Innovid Raises $27.5M

    Video Ad Startup Innovid Raises $27.5M

    Less than a year after its last round, Innovid is announcing that it has raised $27.5 million in new funding. The New York City-headquartered company works with more than 220 advertisers, including Best Buy, Procter & Gamble and Walmart, to create, target and measure their video campaigns. Co-founder and CEO Zvika Netter has said that what really sets Innovid apart is “a… Read More
  • The Midwest Startup Formula Will Change The Status Quo For Building BusinessesCRUNCH NETWORK

    The Midwest Startup Formula Will Change The Status Quo For Building Businesses

    As Silicon Valley startups continue chasing private valuations, entrepreneurs in the Midwest are following an entirely different approach. Our goal is the same — to build world-class businesses based on innovative technologies that create new wealth — but our approach is entirely different. We are proving that startup success comes from validating a real market need, then building… Read More
  • If You’re Launching A Tech Startup In 2016, Focus On Privacy And Fast DataCRUNCH NETWORK

    If You’re Launching A Tech Startup In 2016, Focus On Privacy And Fast Data

    Enterprises over the last decade have devoted large portions of their IT budgets to collecting, securing and analyzing huge volumes of big data. Or at least trying to. But heading into 2016, the increasing complexity of networks, and the sheer number of connected devices that are constantly streaming data over those networks, will create a paradigm shift in how enterprises secure and… Read More
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