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Good morning, friends. Today is a new month 2 more coins will be given away on the 15th. Share the page share the post and comment,and don't forget to invite your friends this is how we grow and preserve our rich traditions. Also remember they can be purchased.
Lawrence Kreger
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Stan Russell Yes sur nice coins
LikeReply15 hrs
Lyle Johnston Good looking coins
LikeReply15 hrs
Just traveling around the state today...
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Lawrence Kreger
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Mike Pool We have it's brother!
LikeReply117 hrs
Larry Rush I have those tools for opening "Tin can roofs"
LikeReply17 hrs
Good morning friends remember tomorrow starts the competition for the challenge coin give away again
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Lawrence Kreger
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Check this out great footage...
Frostburg Fire Department
A snippet from the 1938 video of the FFD responding to a automobile fire on North Water Street in the area of Miners Hospital.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Brian Smith This is just Awesome. It's great that your department has footage like this.
Steve Johnson That's just up the road from my hometown. I guarantee you the driver/operator in the suit and fedora had Durst as a last name.
Sunday morning inventory.... Good morning everyone we are only a few days away for the start of the next coin give away ...
Strike a pose... take pictures it's the way to preserve the history in color now days.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Mike Pool We need that kind of manpower today.
Jack Scannell Great old Picture
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. The Guru is decorating the Fire tree today stay tuned for pics.
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Lawrence Kreger
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I woke up to find Cairns and Phenix up on the mantel trying to hang out with some leather head Santas, Just remember acceptance is not in a name it is in your actions.