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FDNY Fire News updated their cover photo.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Fire News
Many of you know Ray Pfeifer as being instrumental in getting the Zadraga Bill passed last week. Well now he needs our prayers. ‪#‎PrayForRayPfeifer‬ Today he is having a 14 hour plus surgery due to the cancer he has from 9/11. Please keep him in your thoughts today.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Tim Way any updates?
FDNY Fire News We haven't heard anything yet
Nancy O'Sullivan Saying prayers for him.
Nice job by the FDNY!!
HEROIC FIREFIGHTER: FDNY lieutenant rushed into a burning home in Corona and pulled a 3-week-old baby to safety. The infant is in serious condition, but is expected to survive.
Tap "Like" to give a thumbs up to the firefighter. Read the story here: http://7ny.tv/1kEbMiB
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Lawrence Kreger
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Joni Freitag-Heiden Prayers for the little one.
Bob Bloom Strong work Lt.
Ok now on to the next project! Please see below we must get this done by 12/28! We can do it! Please spread the word.
Fire News
Tell Gov. Cuomo to pass a bill that will save lives. The new law would require 10-year batteries in tamper-proof smoke alarms and reduce fire fatalities. The bill must be signed by Dec. 28 to take effect. Send a message now http://capwiz.com/fasny/issues/alert/…
Thank you to ALL of the Firefighters that took countless trips to DC to help pass the James Zadroga bill. Especially Ray Pfeifer, John Feal &  Jon Stewart
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Lawrence Kreger
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Thomas Dewey And to think... This had to be fought over... Shameful
May God Bless all those that need this protection
Jeanne Klimowicz But why do they have to wait to February for it to become effective????
FDNY Fire News updated their cover photo.
As seen in the December 2015 Fire News NYS edition. Fire News photos by FirstOnScenePhotos.com
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Lawrence Kreger
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Enjoy the photos of the 2015 FDNY Honor Legion Holiday Brunch at www.NyFirePhotos.com.
Dennis Whittam
Photos from the 2015 FDNY Honor Legion Holiday Brunch can be viewed at:
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Lawrence Kreger
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Paul Mastronardi
Mike Hill president of the New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association presenting a $5,000 donation to the FDNY Honor Legion. The NYSHFCA has donated over $20,000 to the Honor Legion Fire Fighter Assistance Fund.
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Lawrence Kreger
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REALLY??? What are you waiting for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan?? You signed on for the job now you need to DO IT! Everyone PLEASE call
1 202 225 3031 ‪#‎WORSTRESPONDERS‬
Ray Pfeifer
Once again I write to you as 9/11 First Responder that needs YOUR assistance. As we enter into the final days of 2015, time is running out ...
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Lawrence Kreger
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Here is a much better video then the one we posted last night! Thanks to Jon Stewart The Daily Show for spreading the word! ‪#‎worstresponders‬
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart wants you to tell Mitch McConnellPaul Ryan and Congress to pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act for first responders. ‪#‎worstr...
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Lawrence Kreger
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Let's get this going! Congress & Senators  ‪#‎worstresponders‬ PASS the 9/11 Zadroga Bill NOW
Fire News
Let's get this going! Congress & Senators  ‪#‎worstresponders‬ PASS the 9/11 Zadroga Bill NOW
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Lawrence Kreger
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FDNY Fire News updated their cover photo.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Please get the word out! today is the day!!
Ray Pfeifer
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY------- we need you all NOW to Please call Senator Mitch McConnell ask him, tell him to Renew the James Zadroga 9/11 fully funded and perman...
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