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46 mins
EMTs from Citywide Ambulance LLC dressed up as Santa and elves while assisting patients on Christmas day.
They said patients were surprised and happy to see them dressed up
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Lawrence Kreger
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Monica Rodriguez Keeton Why in the heck didn't they wash their truck??!!!
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Ashley Yagla Lara McLean but reindeer antlers are too much......
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2 hrs
A look at some of the research from the last year, why it’s important and what it means for paramedic chiefs and EMS field providers.
These articles might change the way you think about what we do and how we do it
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Kieran Moore Good article.
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4 hrs
Here's how to understand the basic pathophysiology behind an anaphylactic reaction, recognize signs and symptoms quickly, and initiate appropriate treatment.
Early administration of epinephrine is the BLS and ALS treatment for an anaphylactic reaction to an allergen
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Ben Hoffman Remember also, not all patients who have anaphylaxis will have bronchospasm or urticaria. Some just have profound and severe shock. Additionally, there is no evidence therapeutic doses of adrenaline are harmful (irrespective of the patient's pre-exis...See More
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Robert Avery Also remember not everyone has "textbook" reactions. Me Im highly allergic to tree nuts. Me I immedately start feeling weird, followed by severe diarrhea and airway constriction. I never get hives or swelling anywhere else mine is all internal reactions.
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5 hrs
"That’s what Christmas is all about," the fire chief said. "Helping other people who are less fortunate than we are."
Dozens of volunteers went to the firehouse early Christmas morning to prepare food, package the meals and deliver them to people across the county
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Kathleen Gamble Acts of Random Kindness. I love it! Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice. I hope you know how grateful people are to receive such kindness due to disabilities, shut ins or other circumstances. God Bless you!
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Judy Wood Keller God Bless you all are church did the same we feed 550
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6 hrs
"I really believe that part of what makes them feel better is the personal touch. They get better mentally, and physically."
The two-year pilot program focuses on patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure
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Lawrence Kreger
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James Donaldson The next step in the Evolution of EMS. I look forward to the future of our field.
I have been a Medic since 1984 and in the biz since 1979.
Seen LOTS of changes and not all for the better.
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Samantha Martin This gets off the ground you are helping me Denver Kerns Jr
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8 hrs
Unrest in Jerusalem and the West Bank led to many injuries and deaths, and kept Bethlehem paramedics busy.
Watch the video.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Baruch Stone "Dvir Litman, 16, who was lightly wounded by the Palestinian gunmen had complained about the ambulance's actions in an emergency call he made to Magen David Adom to report the attack.

"We're about a kilometer past Otniel. They shot at our car,” the to...See More
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Viviane Nuvolone And that's the real EMS
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10 hrs
When it comes to your employer’s office supplies or other items, what right (if any) should employees have to take items home?
A policy on employee personal use of company disposable supplies is an important initial step to theft prevention
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Lawrence Kreger
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Phillip Winger Theft is wrong in all forms. Having said that: many co-workers know about it, but there is a culture of "not wanting to be a snitch." Management usually won't find out about it till an employee has already left the company and then "magically" people come forward about it.

But a more common issue then theft in EMS is negligence and laziness that causes equipment to get damaged or loss.
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Sandy Hawley Meiring Employees have no 'right' to take anything from an employer......theft is theft...
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11 hrs
EMS providers and other medical or public safety personnel danced, sang and acted; sometimes to teach us something, other times to entertain us.
Watch the videos!
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Lawrence Kreger
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12 hrs
The drone has the potential to revolutionize EMS as an eye in the sky safety vehicle and for rapid delivery of potentially lifesaving supplies.
Currently available drone technology has the ability to revolutionize situational awareness and improve responder safety
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Royce Evan Wallace Let's load them out with narcan tipped dart guns and RMA forms for the 10/10 toe pain, it will be perfect.
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Valgean Junior In europe they already use them... improving Cardiac arrest survival rate from 8% as much as up to 80%... but take into consideration the downside to the use of it... "Mother nature"
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13 hrs
The video, captured by paramedics on scene, shows Oakland firefighters reviving a dog rescued from a house fire.
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Lawrence Kreger
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Jane Dunn Thank ♡ you
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James Garrison II Great job !
LikeReply13 hrs
14 hrs
Show off your mastery of CPR with this 10-question quiz of what every EMT should know about basic life support.
Take this 10-question quiz to see if you are a CPR master … or if someone should be checking your pulse
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Lawrence Kreger
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