Translation from English

Thursday, January 1, 2015

MY VIDEO- In Reference to Famous JD Salinger Quote- from last February

Sunday, February 16, 2014

NEW VIDEO; CENTRAL PARK--Where the Ducks Go In Winter

There is a famous line in J D Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" when the hero Holden Caulfield asks " Where do the ducks go in winter" meaning the ones in Central Park.

I guess some of them fly South but the years I have checked there was a contingent of mallards down at the South pond that was there all winter long,--people come by and feed them faithfully every day.

I went up today because it was below freezing and I also wanted to get a sequence on the ice skaters nearby on the Wollman Rink..

Unfortunately, my batteries died on me just as I was about to zoom in on them in the distance in this video...I fumbled around with the the extra ones I always carried but then came a kind of humiliating moment-- I thought the boots I was wearing would be fine but suddenly I was sliding downhill out of control on the ice on the path and then landed on my ("bad") knee and then stopped my fall with my hand. As I scrambled up I soon found myself going right down again. A middle aged couple-- the woman wearing high heel boots-- helped me to my feet. I went on filming after thanking them and assuring them I was all right ( no sever damage to the knee I fell on twice it seems) but I felt sort of mortified losing my balance that way.. I think if I had worn a lighter coat instead of a heavy parka I would have done better and also I learned the limitations of my "slush boots"--great for slush but I am going to have to wear something else if it is too icy.

I tried filming too more and will upload that now... but I think that it is going to be too shaky, we shall see.

Oh yes, video: 

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