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Saturday, December 27, 2014


Give Yourself the Gift You Wanted: Headphones, Watches, a Bed & More

Let's be honest, receiving gifts is always a crapshoot. And if you received something a bit lackluster this holiday season, like a calendar or cologne, now's your chance to get yourself something you really want and need. Choose from practical items like sheets and duffle bags that or have some more fun with… » 12/17/14 2:37pm

Exclusive: Meet The USAF's Long Awaited KC-46A Pegasus Tanker 

It's been a decade and a half in the making, but now the time has finally come to see the USAF's new tanker in whole form, moving under its own power. The KC-46A is based on different elements of different variations of the Boeing 767, and once fielded, it will represent a massive capability increase in American… » Today 8:07pm

How to Explain Your Sketchy Social Media Activity to Your Family

Sometimes it feels like if you don't post, tweet, or Tumbl an event, it kind of isn't real. But while you're focusing on inflicting FOMO upon your frenemies, it's easy to forget about your most ardent and devoted social media fan base: your family. And now that the holidays are here, you've got some explaining to do. » 11/21/14 12:00pm

Russia's Terrifying 'Nuke Trains' Will Be Roving The Rails By 2018

Banned under the previous STARTIItreaty, but not excluded in 2011's New START treaty, Russia is pulling from its Soviet strategic playbook and reviving theintercontinental ballistic missile toting, hiding in plain sight, 'Nuke Train' concept. »Today 5:33pm

Alleged Xbox and PlayStation Hacker Shows His Face in Interview


Two days after a small group of hackersgoing by the name "Lizard Squad" claimed responsibility for a worldwide Xbox and PlayStation outage, one purported member feels bold enough to give a live interview. "I'd be rather worried if those people didn't have anything better to do than play games on their consoles on… »Today 2:17pm

Christmas in the past and in the present in the same picture

Christmas is over, wrapping paper has been destroyed, batteries were scourged up and bellies are bigger than usual but we still have a bit of the holiday season to enjoy. It's always nice to look back at the year that just was but even better to see how far we've come too. These pictures show Christmas now and in… » Today 1:19am

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