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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Leatherhead Mafia

Powered by the First Arriving Network, Reaching 1M+ First Responders Worldwide

Firefighter Survival – Are We Prepared?

Firefighter Survival Featured
As firefighters, we are asked to do put ourselves in harm’s way repeatedly. We do it with the altruistic desire to help out fellow humans. We train do go in and extinguish the fire. We learn tactics and strategies on how to attack the fire. We read about VEIS, and forcible entry. But what happens when we find ourselves in the structure and things go wrong? Who saves us? Do you rely on only the RIT team or do you attempt to find a way out?
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Box 1075 Customs Joins LHM For Helmet Care Tips

Box 1075 Customs Joins LHM
With the growing amount of fire helmet customization going on these days, there is a lot to look for from the businesses out there doing this work. For example, make sure you choose the best company. Check out their ratings and reviews. Ask around groups that have used these companies. Just because they are the cheapest in price, doesn't mean it's the best workmanship. Look and see how many jobs were completed by these companies. If there are only 1 or 2 pics of completed restoration helmet jobs, it might not be a good choice to be using them. Remember fans, fire helmet customization is all bout showing off your lid and having pride in it. When customers use or choose your business, they are trusting you with your workmanship. Send these customers back a piece of art that is worth paying for and better yet, worth showing off. Show pride in your work.
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Young Leaders in Today’s Fire Service

Young Leaders in The Fire Service Featured
This article was intended to be “Young Officers in Today’s Fire Service”, but in writing it I have come to realize that it should not matter if you are an officer, you can still lead. A leader can be anyone from the oldest Chief to the youngest junior member. I want to focus on the young leaders in today’s fire service. It seems young leaders are becoming more common, and the disdain is growing. I am also witnessing these young “leaders” act like more of a boss, which is not how it should be.
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Training Our Fire Service Minds

Training Our FIre Service Minds Featured
It’s your first day at the training grounds. Your instructors seem to be well seasoned and know the subject matter well. You eagerly learn all you can about the drill at hand and can’t wait to put the information learned to good use. It’s your turn to enter the structure and search for victims. While in the structure, you recall the skills learned and practiced and start to put them into effect. But suddenly you look back and your partner is not there. Your mind starts racing… What could have happened to them? They were just there! You turn around and head back in the direction you came from with a sense of urgency. Your heart is beating faster and your breathing has increased. As you come around the corner, you find your partner entangled in some debris and they are panicking also. You quickly try to help them get disentangled so you can continue your search. You both work tirelessly to free him. Once you have freed him you realize you are almost out of air, but have no idea where you are in the structure. Should I try to go back? Should I quickly move forward? What should I do?
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Firefighters and Operation Warm – More Than A Coat

Photo courtesy of Operation Warm
One of the main focuses of the Leatherhead Mafia staff is to motivate and uplift the fire service. We do this by offering knowledge, sharing stories, and promoting programs we support.Firefighters for Operation Warm is a program which provides brand new American made winter coats to underprivileged children through partnership with local IAFF Firefighters union. “Operation Warm is dedicated to helping families in need. We believe that every child deserves to feel warm, healthy and valued. The important gift of a new winter coat provides children with the freedom and confidence to play more, learn more, and do more.”
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A Man’s Take on Women in the Fire Service

Photo courtesy of Kim Fitzsimmons - Fire Photographer
Women in the fire service are a very touchy subject. Is it that big of a deal? I tend to think NO, solely on the fact that women can do the same job, sometimes maybe better than some men. Now do not get your tighty whities in a bunch and just hear me out.
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The Cost Of Doing What Is Right

Photo courtesy of Kim Fitzsimmons - Fire Photographer
Almost every emergency service entity has questions in the interview process, about your belief in ethics, and doing the right thing. They like to ask about what your actions would be if you witnessed a co-worker stealing, or taking a bribe. They ask you if you would cheat on a test, or help a co-worker cheat. And yet, we have gleaming examples every day in the news about these same situations, in nearly every community. But generally, these ethical questions address issues only of criminal actions. Things get a little grayer when talking about the black and white of “right and wrong”.
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Why Do Firefighters Continue To Die?

Why Do Firefighters Continue To Die Featured
We routinely say that we would lay our lives down for our fellow brothers and sisters. We sometimes take certain things for granted. When people ask us how many firefighters die each year, we routinely say 100. Let’s think about this number… over the next 10 years we can potentially lose 1000 brothers and sisters and close to a million will be injured. Why have we accepted these numbers?
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The Stuff You Wish Someone Told You When You Were A Rookie Firefighter

An article from contributor David Hernandez of Fir Na Tine Training.I love to train new firefighters and recruits. They are usually like sponges. Over the years, the one thing they all ask me is ” What should I expect or know when I am a rookie firefighter?”. As I sat there with a good friend, John, I started developing this list. I have read and experienced every one of these rules. I figured the best thing to do is put them in writing and then ask my Fire Family what they thought and what they wanted to add.
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Firehouse Expo 2014 – Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Firehouse Expo Featured
This past weekend a few of the Leatherhead Mafia staff traveled to Baltimore Inner Harbor, Maryland for the 2014 Firehouse Expo. While we were there we were able to celebrate myself and Spark’s birthdays. As well as meet with readers and network with other fire service based companies. Here is our review of the weekend.
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