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Sunday, February 2, 2014

From the NY Times-- New from Argentina

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Horacio Paone for The New York Times
News about Argentina, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Jan. 29, 2014
    Editorial contends that Argentina is again facing a financial crisis caused largely by misguided government policies; warns Pres Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner that she will have to take much bolder steps to repair the damage done to the economy.MORE »
  2. Jan. 27, 2014
    Axel Kicillof, Argentina's economy minister, is emerging as face of significant policy shifts that are reverberating around developing world; rise of Kicillof, whose writings draw on Marxist concepts, points to efforts by authorities to assert greater state control over economy at time when growth is slowing and inflation soaring.MORE »
  3. Jan. 25, 2014
    Decline in Argentina’s currency is the steepest since country’s economic collapse in 2002, and it is raising fears of a global slump in developing countries.MORE »
  4. Jan. 24, 2014
    Argentina’s currency, the peso, plunges more than 8 percent against dollar after country’s central bank tries to stem decline in international reserves; decline raises concerns that inflation could accelerate even further.MORE »
  5. Jan. 15, 2014
    Supreme Court makes it harder to sue foreign companies in American courts; justices unanimously ruled that residents of Argentina could not sue Daimler in California in connection with abuses during Argentina’s Dirty War; in second decision, court unanimously rules that antitrust case brought by Mississippi's attorney general cannot be moved from state court to federal court.MORE »


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As Argentine Peso Falters, President Keeps a Low Profile
As Argentine Peso Falters, President Keeps a Low Profile
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has said very little about the crisis that has led the nation’s currency to plunge.
February 1, 2014, Saturday

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