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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Apple Store at Grand Central Terminal

When I was last up at the Apple Store in Grand Central, I took some photos but I cannot for the life of me find them now. I need a better photo retrieval system.

Anyway, I chose this shot off the internet because it reminds you that the Apple Store in Grand Central is part of a BIG place with all kinds of noise and hustle and bustle there ( well, that is true of the other Apple Store I was in on Fifth Avenue, too).

My experience at this store was extremely good. I made my appointments online and changed them and had a small wait and then someone at the Genius Bar took care of everything fairly fast.

One thing you should know is that the elevator to the floor where the Genius Bar is is almost hidden away downstairs as if they did not want you to find it.

Other people's reviews are mixed. As to customer service, the first person I dealt with was brusque but not rude. The second was very helpful and friendly. 

The second time I was there a woman came in much later than I did and sat next to me at the Genius Bar. She tried to interrupt the guy who came to talk to me when it was my turn saying she was in a hurry and he put her off very nicely, I would say with kid gloves. I thought she was just another ill mannered, self-centered person-- who probably has written a Yelp review saying how awful the customer service is.

Apple Store

3.5 star rating
106 reviews Rating Details
45 Grand Central Terminal
New York, NY 10017
Neighborhood: Midtown East
(212) 284-1800
Nearest Transit Station:
Grand Central - 42 St. (4, 5, 6, 6X)
Grand Central - 42 St. (S)
Grand Central - 42 St. (7, 7X)
Mon-Fri 7 am - 9 pm
Sat 10 am - 7 pm
Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Price Range:
Accepts Credit Cards:
20.6 Miles from Apple Store
DIRECTV authorized retailer.  If it's not DIRECTV, it's not even close.

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103 reviews in English

  • Review from

    Glasgow, UK
    9/8/2013 1 check-in here
    If you enter Grand Central Terminal today and look up towards the balconies, you'll see, in pleasant contrast to the original architecture of the station, a bustling apple store filled to the brim in the same way most of their outlets are.

    This Apple Store is a lot bigger than I'd expect a train station Apple store to be, but it takes up a lot of the second floor balcony, and always seems to be pretty busy. It has all the features you'd find in a standalone store; the Genius Bar, a training room, and the traditional light coloured wooden desks covered in iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and iMacs. Basically you'll find absolutely anything here that you would in a regular store.

    The staff here seemed lovely, and asked both times I was in if I needed any help and if I did just to find one of them and ask. I think Apple have one of the best customer rapports.

    Awesome store! I just love everything Apple!
  • Review from

    • 60 friends
    • 6 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    The service at this location is absolutely terrible!!  Yes, they arrive to service appointments on time and its not overly crowded, but that's about the only positive. I've been to this location twice in a matter of 3 months and their response to my problem both times was to replace a year old device with a new item costing me hundreds of dollars. I've visited other stores that had a bit of a wait, but they've always tried to fix my problem having the consumers best interest in mind.

    I've been loyal to Apple for years but this type of customer service really makes me consider moving on to a more consumer friendly company.
  • Review from

    San Francisco, CA
    8/18/2013 5 photos 1 check-in here
    When there was a plan submitted to demolish the Grand Central Terminal in 1968, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis said, "Is it not cruel to let our city die by degrees, stripped of all her proud monuments, until there will be nothing left of all her history and beauty to inspire our children? If they are not inspired by the past of our city, where will they find the strength to fight for her future?" In that spirit, I feel like she would have approved of Apple's largest retail venue, over 23,000 square feet on the East and North East balconies overlooking the poetically cacophonous Main Concourse (photo:

    It fits perfectly within the classic architecture of the station even if the traffic flows within the store don't make a lot of sense the first time you walk through. Who cares? There are two Genius Bars, a training room, and tables and tables of Apple product for your personal tactile satisfaction (photo: I came here only because I was in need of a replacement cord to connect the charger to my iPhone. Now I could complain about Apple's gouging prices, but I'll save that for another column on another site. For now, I shall bask in the beauty and convenience of this retail outlet and recognize that the next time I'm in New York, I don't have to trudge over to the glass cube on Fifth Avenue to get my accessories.
    • Interior
    • Interior
    • Main entrance at the East Balcony
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 2 reviews
    cool convenient location which is why it makes sense that it is hard to reserve a convenient reservation. On numerous occasions, I've adjusted my schedule to arrive to my appoinment on time if not early. There is never an instance that the geniuses are able to 1. arrive on time 2. assist in an orderly fashion.
    Today I arrived 10 minutes early and waited a half hour before deciding to leave.
    I made sure that they had my name as checked in and also heard 3 geniuses walk by and check in with 1 person. (lack of communication)
    This is not a critique on the employees but on the whole service itself. Although I am less than a half a block from the GC location, I am going elsewhere so that I can actually sit and meet with someone when expected.
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 27 reviews
    Los Angeles, CA
    Third trip here in 2 weeks...first trip to repair a defective phone, which was replaced with ---- another defective phone!   First wait time = 30 minutes, second wait time = 25 minutes (mind you there are long waits even at 8:30 in the morning.)  Third time I wised up and arrived 5 minutes late...only to wait 5 minutes to be "checked in" (the check-in line often queues well into next room) and then told I was too late to honor my appointment (when I'm clearly going to be made to wait anyhow.)

    Why am I seeing "geniuses" standing around chatting when there are wait times of 30 minutes?  If there truly is this much work overload, why is Apple not hiring additional 'genius' staff --especially during the particularly buggy iOS 7 software upgrade?   I now totally get why I've witnessed as many angry customers as I have in this store.  At this point a trip to the dentist seems more pleasant.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 5 reviews
    Koreatown, Manhattan, NY
    Came here to check my iphone5 with screen. Everything went smooth at the first time but after the guy told me that I have to wait for about 30-40minutes to replace so I waited and talk to him again to pick repaired phone. But after he went to bring it in, I waited for another 40minutes to get it. So I ask other guy and he just brought it for me. Seems like the first guy forgot to bring it in.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 4 reviews
    Ventura, CA
    Terrible customer service.  I'm in from out of town and lost all of my iphone 5 cords.  Went to this store on "iphone 5s launch day" and was treated VERY rudely.  First, they were not open at 7am.  There were tons of employees, but they were not open.  Second, because it's a launch day, I was informed that general sales (for anything other than the disappointing new version of the iphone) began at NOON!  Noon?  Seriously? Come back at noon to buy a cord?  The woman yelling at me was argumentative, rude, and not at all apologetic.  Big fat fail, Apple.
  • Review from

    Brooklyn, NY
    8/14/2013 2 check-ins here
    I haven't been to any apple store in a while, but I was very impressed with the grand central location. The multiple room setup helps keep people in certain areas, so it doesn't feel too crowded. Maybe it's just the right point in the product cycle, but the tables aren't as full of people like other apple stores where you can't get in to try anything out.

    I came to the store because I had to pick something up and that process was fine. I was surprised at how smoothly it went based on my experiences at other Apple stores, though I agree with other reviewers that the greeters right in front that send you to the right place are a little brusque.
  • Review from

    • 28 friends
    • 20 reviews
    New York, NY
    9/22/2013 1 check-in here
    The lines for the Genius Bar are frustrating. I came in to discuss an issue I am having with my iPhone cord. There have been a couple posts about it on the apple forum. Came in around 2 pm and they scheduled me for 4 pm appointment. Went to my office and came back at 4. The Genius Bar tech said they were running behind and I should wait about 40 to 50 minutes. Frustrated, mainly because I have work that needs to be done, I decided to just buy a new cord. The place has a bunch of rooms and a ton of people. I would have given the experience 0 to 1 star but Roger turned it all around and made this frustrating trip into a not so frustrating trip. He's the reason I gave them more stars. Thanks Roger.
  • Review from

    • 22 friends
    • 19 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    Make a appt, arrive on time... In and out !
    No complaints whatsoever

    Way better than the fifth ave location
  • Review from

    • 97 friends
    • 107 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    9/8/2013 1 check-in here
    Apple store in a historic train station? I think that's pretty cool.
  • Review from

    Houston, TX
    7/7/2013 1 check-in here
    So you are in Grand Central Station -- the food, the cocktails, the black and white cookies.   So much to choose from --- but this Apple Store is awesome!   Right in the center of it all --   you can look over everything -- want to look at an iPad?   got it -- take a picture of GCS?  go for it :)

    It is like any other Apple Store in the world --- friendly people, lots of awesome products out for display and helpful people.

    5 stars for the help, the location and the assistance -- all top notch!

    Classy like a sir at GCS -- bring your iPhone or iPad to the Campbell Apartment for drinks and you are all set :)
  • Review from

    New York, NY
    6/28/2013 1 check-in here
    I've never been to an Apple store but I've seen some really amazing photos of them and thought this place would make me feel like "Alice in Wonderland" however that ended my wet dream upon actually visiting the store!  Talk about killing an erection.

    As you can tell I was super thrilled to visit an actual real life Apple store to my huge disappointment.  As soon as I got there I saw it was basically at the top of the center stairs in the main/general area at GCT.  Upon approach I thought, "Gee no air conditioning in that bad boy".

    The Grand Central store was nothing like pictures I've seen.  They basically had about a dozen tables with their products scattered out with no chairs but if they normally have chairs they didn't today.

    If you've been to an Apple store before and just need tech support then this location is probably God sent to you.  If you're like me an Apple store virgin, I'd opt for a different location because this is probably their ugliest store. Now I need to find one of those prettier stores with the glass entrances.
  • Review from

    Stuyvesant Town, Manhattan, NY
    8/28/2013 4 check-ins here
    My favorite Apple store to goto. It's huge and at Grand Central Station and although they're usually pretty good at not getting behind, sometimes they do and you'll have to wait 15-30 after your apportionment time. Its totally worth it and better than having to deal with the other locations which I would say are infested with tourist (5th ave and SoHo). It's also fun to people watch here while waiting to be helped.
  • Review from

    • 83 friends
    • 35 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    Updated - 8/27/2013 1 photo 38 check-ins here
    Actually today was in and out though it was packed had a young man by the name of Michael he was the bomb thanks genius guy for an exceptional job and speedy one to!!

    1 Previous Review: Show all »

    • 8/19/2013
      Slow slow slow what more can I say.... Why make an appointment if your going to make me wait an… Read more »
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 5 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    Having issues like tons of others with syncing over wifi and it scrambling the ability to play songs on iTunes. I approach Necro (sp? he was working the front, right up the stairs, at 7:00 5/1/13 with long hair in the back and a little chubby - so management can apply the coaching here). I show him what the songs are doing and how they're skipping and going right back to track listing and he's like "woah dude! I'm not a technician! I cannot help you with that" like wtf? you work here right? who says things like this? this isn't a car lot where i need you to run a diagnostic here. Just take a look or route me with courtesy! and I ask if he's heard of the problem and then he says he doesn't have an iPhone5 so he has no idea.

    To be honest, if he is so bothered by the products he is selling and not interested in how they're evolving, as well as the customers who come to inquire about these products, you should probably stay home off the payroll. entertain me, I've bought 10k+ of apple products. at least acknowledge my relationship and thank me for coming! something! I don't know why store managers hire street trash and poorly presented teammates who have no concern for hygiene to discuss my $1,000+ products?

    I eventually talked with Sven who was a delight and even though his work around was total bs he at least entertained my plight and empathized with my grief. so disappointing to have these awesome tools and be treated like a second class citizen everytime I pop in there. since sales aren't an issue, no observations are needed, but honestly, maybe that's why the stock didn't last at 700, because you get better service at chipotle when you tell them you want more salsa. they're in the 350+ range. Anyhow, let go of that slob troll who shouldn't be working at McDonald on lettuce detail.
  • Review from

    Manhattan, NY
    3/23/2013 1 photo
    If memory serves me right, theory has it that a company can only be good at one of three things--making great products, caring for their customers or being lean-and-mean.  It doesn't take a genius, certainly not one from the Genius Bar at an Apple retail store, to point out that Apple is all about making great products.  However, I am amazed at how many exceptions to good service I have experienced over the years with Apple.

    The Grand Central store couldn't be in a better location.  The store is huge and wraps around the main concourse and reportedly has over 300 employees and two Genius Bars.  That brings me to the genius who was helping me with Apple's backup-restore utilities for my iPhone.  In true genius-like fashion, she scribbled a page of instructions that would require a Newtonian grasp of technology and handwriting to execute, both of which I clearly lack.  See the attached photo for this masterpiece.   Needless to say, the instructions didn't work, and I was left with my own dogged persistence and the Internet to figure out how to solve the problem.

    Apple should fire most of these geniuses that dispense equal proportions of attitude and bad advice, and hire their new class of customer service reps from Disney or, better still, Bangalore.
    • Instructions from one of the self-proclaimed geniuses.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 13 reviews
    Soquel, CA
    I'd had battery problems with my iPhone 5 for a while. It would randomly lose power, then be fine on other days. When I took it to a local store in California, the "genius" there had offered up a bunch of excuses about the power-consuming feature set of the device, but also offered a few helpful suggestions.

    But they weren't enough, and when on vacation in New York the battery misbehaved badly, so I made a date with the Apple Store Genius Bar at Grand Central. There,  Eric took a longer, harder look at my phone and discovered a corrupt piece of the iOS operating system's application support software.

    Eric told me how to fix it by rebuilding the phone from the ground up, which meant I really couldn't fix the problem until I got home where  my home computer had all my iPhone Apps, so he added energy-saving suggestions I could employ while still on vacation.

    You can imagine that the first thing I did when settled back in at home was the "great rebuilding" of my iPhone 5. I can say, after several days of use that Eric was not only industrious in making his diagnosis, but quite correct. The batter is back to its good old self, and I couldn't be happier!

    Eric is indeed a genius at the Grand Central Apple Store Genius Bar. Thanks Eric!
  • Review from

    • 27 friends
    • 126 reviews
    Mountain View, CA
    8/10/2013 1 check-in here
    I think this place looks amazing... but other than that isn't just an apple store. I've gotten much better service elsewhere. I guess that's because they just deal with mostly tourists.
  • Review from

    • 75 friends
    • 317 reviews
    New York, NY
    I used to be a PC. Then I wised up and became a Mac.

    This store excites me with its unique layout, its lookout over the gorgeous grand central architecture, and of course its lovely products everywhere. It's so interestingly and chicly incorporated into the terminal...

    The service left me leaving with a hop in my step! The guy who helped me was SO friendly and helpful. He let me pay on this handy-dandy credit card phone which I had never seen before, because the line was so long. Made me feel quite special there, young man.

    I heart apple!
  • Review from

    • 6 friends
    • 15 reviews
    Midtown West, Manhattan, NY
    Not helpful and rude. Thanks to this store ended getting a Samsung G4, told them about if they could not I would have to go to Samsung reply "go ahead and don't care if you do" nice reply. Apple has lose it . Thank you apple for the change to Samsung forgot how good it feels to be free  from Bull shit. Apple makes you go switch to the next phone companies. Nice job apple.
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 28 reviews
    New York, NY
    Bought a charger for the MacPro for someone and the customer service was friendly. Check out was quick and easy since a salesperson on the floor was able to scan my credit card and email my receipt.  I thought since it was Grand Central it would be super crowded, but I didn't have a problem going in, getting the item and getting out.  Would visit this location again if I needed something else.
  • Review from

    Flushing, NY
    1/8/2013 1 check-in here
    First time seeing an actual Apple store inside Grand Central.  Cool.

    First time playing with the iPad Mini.  Cool.

    Not the first time acting like a tourist in NyC.  Cool.

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