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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Online This Week- WNYC

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Thursday, July 24, 2014 - 11:00 PM

Steve Harvey hosts <em>Family Feud</em> This week someone cut an episode of Family Feud down to size. (YouTube)
This week in “Thanks, Internet” — The New Yorker looks down on the city, an efficiency expert recuts Family Feud, a fan-made episode of Sailor Moon, a background guy gets the spotlight, and Twitter's much-needed glimmer of hope. 

1. The New New Yorker

Domino Sugar factory in Brooklyn
The New Yorker's site got a fancy redesign this week and the internet voiced its approval. What better time to show off a stunning high-resolution slideshow of aerial images of sunny New York. George Steinmetz's "Summer Over The City" series might be a touch voyeuristic (with photos of West Side sunbathers and families frolicking in Central Park), but we still wish the veteran photographer had invited us along for the helicopter ride. Next time, George? 

2. Survey Says: Shorter

YouTube's GorgeousWig effectively highlights how many empty calories are found in the average episode of Family Feud by paring a recent episode down to its essential moments. Twenty-two minutes of "survey says" is squeezed down to just three -- yet the video lets Steve Harvey do what he does best: shine.

3. Sailor Moon's Superfans

Another beloved TV show was re-cut this week, but this time it was all flattery and fandom. A year ago, 250 omega-fans of Sailor Moon pledged to re-animate an entire episode. They even started a Tumblr to document the journey. The result, cleverly titled "Moon Animate Make-Up!", debuted on YouTube Sunday and is already approaching a million views. Instead of one cohesive aesthetic, we end up watching 23 minutes of wonderfully diverse animation that employs just about every style, material, and format imaginable.

4. Second Fiddle No More

Blake Mills has played guitar for Sky Ferreira, Conor Oberst, Haim, and dozens more, but he's finally stepping into the spotlight. "Don't Tell Our Friends About Me" announces that Blake's been a bad boy with confessional lyrics, mandolins, and back-up vocals from his old pal Fiona Apple. Opening salvos seldom sound so self-assured. Blake must have been saving this one up for some time.

5. Thanks, Twitter

In the world and on Twitter this week, the news was overwhelmingly, tragically bad. And then there was this little guy. Or gal  whatever that thing is, we’re grateful for it.


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