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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fire Rescue 1 - News- Firefighters in Campaign Photos, Washington Fires, other

Fire News from FireRescue1

Mo. board: Reinstate firefighters suspended over campaign photo
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Mo. board: Reinstate firefighters suspended over campaign photo

A citizens’ advisory board has recommended that five firefighters who were suspended over their involvement in a campaign ad be reinstated immediately, given back pay and benefits and have the incident removed from their personnel file. Complete Coverage

Jun. 18, 2014. 06:25 AM EST
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Firefighter Safety Ronald J. Siarnicki
Ronald J. Siarnicki
Firefighter safety takes on added importance in the face of winter-weather hazards. Full Column
Editor's Note Rick Markley, editor-in-chief
Rick Markley, editor-in-chief
A good program for both the fire service and the country unexpectedly stopped; you can and must help bring it back. Full Column
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Brush blaze traps, destroys 2 fire trucks
DC lieutenant may skirt charges, retire at full pay


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How to solar power a fire truck or ambulance
Solar-capturing technology has made it easier to keep fire truck and ambulances fully charged without leaving them running, and saves money. Full Story
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See the SCI DURA-LITE 15 in Action
SCI's exclusive exterior protection process not only reduces long term SCBA cylinder costs, but also extends the service life of the cylinder.
G6W by RESQTEC cuts through a boron post
Watch as RESQTEC cuts through a boron post in a matter of seconds
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Interview: Chief Goldfeder on the birth of the Secret List
Chief Billy Goldfeder is both a firefighter safety and Internet pioneer, and his works' longevity is due to being simple in focus and unchanging. Full Story
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5 ways to buy a fire truck
Choosing the right purchasing model can save big bucks and help you land the right rig. Full Story
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