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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Born Today: Anthelme Brillat- Savarin, the First Big Foodie in Europe- Encyclopedia Britannica

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Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Article Free Pass Anthelme Brillat-Savarin,  (born April 1, 1755, Belley, Fr.—died Feb. 2, 1826Paris), French lawyer, politician, and author of a celebrated work on gastronomy, Physiologie du goût (“The Physiology of Taste”).

He followed the family profession of law. A deputy of the third estate at the States-General of 1789, he was forced to flee the country during the Terror and went to Switzerland and the United States. He returned to France in 1796 and became a judge of the court of cassation during Napoleon’s consulate. He published several works on law and political economy before his work on gastronomy appeared in 1825, with the full title Physiologie du goût, ou Méditation de gastronomie transcendante, ouvrage théorique, historique et à l’ordre du jour, 8 vol. (“The Physiology of Taste, or Meditation on Transcendent Gastronomy, a Work Theoretical, Historical, and Programmed”). The book is less a treatise on cuisine or on culinary arts and more a witty compendium of random chit-chat and precepts, of anecdotes and observations of every kind that might enhance the pleasures of the table—with only an occasional recipe being offered. The book went through several editions in the 19th century and was translated into English in 1884.

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