Translation from English

Monday, June 17, 2013

Posh East 79th Street

No doubt about it, we are into serious money and the power and wealth of this Zip code on the Upper East Side...Mayor Bloomberg lives up her somewhere, and the side streets house the townhouses of the Internationally Rich...

The block just near the Park is mostly Galleries and Missions...even very wealthy people would not want to be burdened with the taxes on those properties...but you never know in New York, it attracts billionaires like a magnate, and for some of them price really is no object....

Probably half of them used to live in fear poor people from Harlem would come down and loot and burn their big houses down, but Harlem itself is going the gentrification route...and their is not much of a record of poor people rioting outside their own neighborhoods...

I am sure some Anarchists like those who tried to hijack the Occupy Wall Street movement would love to bring Molotov cocktails to this area... but I am not all that worried about it happening...there, I should not have said that, I am now challenging Fate!

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