Translation from English

Friday, March 4, 2016

Gizmodo Sploid

Making a Wooden Switchblade

Don’t ask why anyone would ever make a wooden switchblade just appreciate that we live in a world where a wooden switchblade could be made. John Heisz put together a wooden knife that pops out like any old switchblade and it’s pretty neat. He sands the wooden blade down and grinds it like you would any other knife and…

10 of the Best Plot Twists in Movie History

Spoiler alert. Spoiler freaking alert. If you somehow managed to exist on this very Earth without knowing that there are twist endings in films such as Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back and Fight Club and Planet of the Apes, um, now you know. Here is what CineFix considers 10 of the best twists in movie history. They do…

All the F1 Constructors' Champions in History

Formula One racing mixes man with machine so much that both are essentially responsible for victory. That’s why F1 gives out awards to both drivers (F1 World Drivers’ Champions) and the constructors of the cars (F1 World Constructors’ Champions). The constructor is basically the automobile maker of the vehicle (think…

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