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Friday, March 4, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

'We Would Always Look At Ways To Reduce Cost And Time': NBN Defends 'Secret' FTTP Trials 

A leaked internal document recently revealed that the company building the nbn has been trialling a reliable, cheaper fibre to the premises technology — which has the potential to reach of an all-fibre system to the home. 
“It’s a matter of public record that FTTP is part of our technology mix and is the most expensive and the hardest to build,” a spokesperson for nbn told Gizmodo today. “So naturally we would always look at ways to reduce cost and time.”

A Look Behind The Scenes: How This Australian CG Studio Makes Cinematic Trailers 

It’s pretty common knowledge that a large number of cinematic trailers are made by external CG studios hired by developers to produce something incredible. What might surprise you is the process behind these trailers, the technology involved or even the fact that a handful of these AAA trailers are being made here in Sydney, Australia. I’m a Producer at Sydney-based CG studio Plastic Wax. Plastic Wax is the team behind CG in The Hunger Games 2, Gears of War, Fallout, Bioshock, Borderlands and more. Most recently, you might’ve seen our LEGO The Force Awakens trailer. We do a lot of cool stuff!

This Kitchen Tool Turns Sticks Of Butter Into Sprayable Deliciousness 

Everything is better with butter on it, but to make sure you’re not overdoing it and putting yourself on the road to a heart attack, the Biēm Butter Sprayer lets you lightly dole out a stick of that golden deliciousness by almost instantly turning it into a spray.

A Seamlessly Edited Club Scene Featuring Almost Every Movie Character You Can Think Of 

Video: Welcome back to Hell’s Club, a place “where all fictional characters meet… outside of all logic.” Which explains why there’s three copies of Jean-Claude Van Damme looking for each other.

You're A Genius If You Can Figure Out This Complex In-Browser Cycloid Machine 

The other day I saw a video of a guy who was pumped as hell to own a cycloid drawing machine. “What a cool thing!” I thought, “too bad it costs almost a thousands bucks!” This browser replica is free and almost identical, and that’s the bad news.

What Happens When You Put Marshmallows In A Vacuum 

Video: Play with your food. That’s the moral of the story from Crazy Russian Hacker. He put marshmallows in one of those vacuum food containers, pumped out the air, and watched the squishy little white puffs balloon into ginormous monsters. It’s all silly fun.

This Is The Most Distant Galaxy Anyone Has Ever Seen 

Look deep into this photo and what you’ll see is something further away from you than you’ve ever glimpsed before.

There Are Over 20 Billion Pixels In The Largest Photo Of New York Ever Taken 

Image Cache: The Big Apple feels even bigger through the lens of Jeffrey Martin’s full-frame 50MP camera. This magnificent 360-degree panoramic photo of New York he created was assembled from multiple handheld shots. The final image measures a staggering 203,200 by 101,600 pixels in size — or just over 20 gigapixels.

This Is The First Image From Europe's Sentinel-3A Satellite 

Image Cahe: Two weeks ago, the European Space Agency launched its Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite into orbit to image the Earth’s environment in unprecedented detail. This is the first image it captured, of dawn over Svalbard in Norway.

Racing Down A Stunning Alpine Coaster Reminds Me To Never Grow Up 

Video: Life already has too many serious moments, so when the opportunity to enjoy a simple pleasure like a slide presents itself, you just have to take it. It also doesn’t hurt when that slide is a giant mountain coaster in Switzerland, surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenery you’ll ever see.

IKEA Is Growing New Eco-Friendly Mushroom Packaging 

To stop all those $30 side tables from getting banged up, IKEA has to use a lot of polystyrene packaging every year. Unfortunately, polystyrene isn’t biodegradable, and people are bad at recycling, leaving IKEA looking for a better material to stick between sheets of ply.

Real Explosives Blowing Up Mega Bloks In Slo-Mo Is Every Kids' Fantasy 

Video: Mega Bloks, those weird, distant-cousins of Lego, have gotten surprisingly elaborate over the past few years. In fact, they’re the only way you can build your own official Call of Duty: Black Ops 3vehicles and boats like the folks from Glorious Eye Candy — who then blew them all up in front of a high-speed camera.
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