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Monday, July 20, 2015

Every State Has People Suffering from Illness Due to Sept 11 - NY Daily News

EXCLUSIVE: Every state has people suffering from 9/11 illnesses 

Monday, July 20, 2015, 2:30 AM
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First responders suffering from 9/11-related illnesses are now in all states. MILLER ELISA

First responders suffering from 9/11-related illnesses are now in all states. 

It's no longer just New York’s problem.
Every state in the nation now has someone suffering from cancer or other illnesses related to the 9/11 terror attacks, the Daily News has learned.
Those receiving aid from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund vary from just a handful in states like Wyoming, Utah and Alaska to several dozen in North Carolina, sources said.
The numbers increase drastically as one gets closer to New York. Just under 100 people in Pennsylvania have received aid. Nearly four times that number can be found in New Jersey.
FDNY members in Washington, D.C. for a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee on June 11. The committee heard testimony on the Zadroga Act.
  • WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 11: Members of the New York City Fire Department list to testimony during a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee June 11, 2015 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
  • WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 11: Rep. Peter King (R) (R-NY) confer talks with New York City firemen following a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee June 11, 2015 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
  • WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 11: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (R) (D-NY) greets Dr. John Howard, administrator of the World Trade Center Health Program, prior to a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee June 11, 2015 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
  • WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 11: Members of the New York City Fire Department list to testimony during a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee June 11, 2015 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
  • WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 11: Members of the New York City Fire Department list to testimony during a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee June 11, 2015 in Washington, DC. The committee heard testimony on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

FDNY members in Washington, D.C. for a hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy, Commerce Committee on June 11. The committee heard testimony on the Zadroga Act.

The Empire State still leads the pack. More than 4,000 people in New York State are receiving compensation to treat a laundry list of illnesses related to the terror attacks, sources said.
The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund is expected on Monday to release a state-by-state breakdown of the numbers.
“We knew this was a national issue right from the beginning,” 9/11 Victims Compensation Board member Sheila Birnbaum told The News.
  • AN OCT. 11, 2001 FILE POOL PHOTO.
  • Washington, DC - June 11, 2015 - Rep. Carolyn Maloney, one of the original sponsors of the Zadroga Act, speaking to members of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association following the Energy & Commerce Committee Hearing on Reauthorization of the Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Reauthorization Act. Pictured behind Maloney Richard J. Alles (left) & George Farinacci the organizers of UFOA trip from New York to DC for the Hearing today.
  • Washington, DC - June 11, 2015 - 9/11 First Responders David Howley (left) & Barbara Burnette testify at the House Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing about the cancer they developed and that they might not be hear today if it had not been for the Zadroga Act.

First responders developed cancer and other illnesses after 9/11.

Many of the sufferers are retired cops and firefighters who moved out of New York. Others are first responders from other states who joined bucket brigades at Ground Zero in the days after the attacks.
Retired NYPD Detective Frank DeMasi, a former Emergency Service Unit cop living in North Carolina who learned that the lining of his esophagus was damaged from breathing in toxins on 9/11, isn’t surprised by how widespread the issue has become.
“When it happened, we saw cops and firefighters helping out from all over,” DeMasi said.
Sheila Birnbaum, a 9/11 Compensation Board member, is not surprised that people suffering from illnesses related to 9/11 are in all states.ROBERT SABO/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Sheila Birnbaum, a 9/11 Compensation Board member, is not surprised that people suffering from illnesses related to 9/11 are in all states.

Retired Police Officer Paul Johnson, a former NYPD ESU cop who lives in South Carolina, is slowly dying from pulmonary fibrosis. Johnson’s lung tissue was damaged from the fumes at Ground Zero. The 57-year-old is constantly on oxygen and his body convulses periodically.
“People want to sweep it under the rug, but we’re all dropping dead,” Johnson said.
Sixty NYPD and Port Authority cops were killed when two jumbo jets slammed into the towers of the World Trade Center. By 2012, that death toll was eclipsed by the number of cops who died of 9/11 cancers and illnesses, DeMasi said. The same can be said for FDNY firefighters: 343 died in the 9/11 attacks. Today, more than 1,100 active and retired firefighters have been diagnosed with a 9/11-related cancer, said a department spokesman.
Sufferers began receiving financial assistance with the passing of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act in 2011, which provides health monitoring and health coverage and compensation for illnesses ranging from cancer to asthma tied to toxic air.
As of March 31, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund has provided more than $1 billion in assistance to 10,549 people suffering a 9/11-related illnesses. The bill is set to expire, in phases, starting in October. A House subcommittee is mulling an extension, but House Republicans like Speaker John Boehner are publicly opposed to the bill.
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