• Facebook’s Snapchatty New Photo Uploader Lets You Overlay Text And More

    Facebook’s Snapchatty New Photo Uploader Lets You Overlay Text And More

    Face it. Your photos aren’t all that interesting. But Facebook’s going to help you jazz them up with its shiny new photo uploader, which just began testing on iOS. It lets you add overlaid text in any color, instantly preview filters that you swipe across your photos, or paste Facebook’s stickers on top. Facebook offered more standard filters before and had tested photo… Read More
  • They’re All P2P Employment AgenciesCRUNCH NETWORK

    They’re All P2P Employment Agencies

    Instagram is big. But Upwork and YouTube are bigger. Twitter is big. But Uber and Airbnb are bigger. Your startup idea is big. But your startup idea that pays people is bigger. What do YouTube, Airbnb, Uber and Upwork have in common? You can get paid using them. And thousands of people are getting an income from them right now. Read More
  • Approaching Policy After Uber’s Scorched Earth

    Approaching Policy After Uber’s Scorched Earth

    The blowback to Uber reached a new level of intensity this week with massive and occasionally violent street protests in France. Our very own Romain Dillet walked around Paris snapping photos of the protests, which included overturned cars, smashed windows, and tires set on fire. Even for a nation with a storied past of truculent protest politics, the anti-Uber mobs were notable. It should come… Read More
  • Why Your Next Package Will Be Delivered By An UberCRUNCH NETWORK

    Why Your Next Package Will Be Delivered By An Uber

    Geographic saturation is the key to network effects and profitability in the ridesharing business. The more drivers Uber or Lyft have in a given region, the faster the pick-up times, the better the customer experience, and the more rider demand — which in turn allows drivers to earn more money, and attracts more drivers to the network. Read More
  • SpaceX’s CRS-7 Mission Ends In Catastrophic Failure, Loss Of Vehicle

    SpaceX’s CRS-7 Mission Ends In Catastrophic Failure, Loss Of Vehicle

    LATEST: Watch the NASA press conference above, which should begin no earlier than 12:30 PM ET, to learn more about what happened during today’s failed CRS-7 mission launch. Here’s a video of the explosion of the unmanned Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule: UPDATE: The SpaceX rocket seems to have broken apart entirely in what looks like a major mission failure. During the feed… Read More
  • From Social Networks To Market NetworksCRUNCH NETWORK

    From Social Networks To Market Networks

    Most people didn’t notice last month when a 35-person company in San Francisco called HoneyBook announced a $22 million Series B. What was unusual about the deal is that nearly all the best-known Silicon Valley VCs competed for it. That’s because HoneyBook is a prime example of an important new category of digital company that combines the best elements of networks like Facebook… Read More
  • The Millennial Delusion

    The Millennial Delusion

    The obsession with “millennials” continues to fascinate me. Despite being the most outspoken generation in history, people – very important and powerful people – claim they don’t understand us. We make no sense apparently, as if the actions and career paths of our parents make total and complete sense. There are even consulting firms that specialize in… Read More
  • Robot Writers Need Something To SayCRUNCH NETWORK

    Robot Writers Need Something To Say

    Robot writers are hot. No, that statement is not a call to fix their air conditioners, much less to date them. It’s to acknowledge that pioneers in artificial intelligence (AI) and automated writing have gotten a lot of media attention (partly because it hits close to home; the deployments are public and noticeable and it invokes the perennial concern about job loss due to automation). Read More
  • Searching For The Next Wave Of Education Innovation

    Searching For The Next Wave Of Education Innovation

    I’m going to come right out and say it: few areas have been as hopeful and as disappointing as innovation in education. Education is probably the single most important function in our society today, yet it remains one of the least understood, despite incredible levels of investment from venture capitalists and governments. Why do students continue to show up in a classroom or start an… Read More
  • YC-Backed Cymmetria Uses Virtual Machines To Decoy And Detect Hackers

    YC-Backed Cymmetria Uses Virtual Machines To Decoy And Detect Hackers

    YC-backed Cymmetria, which is uncloaking from stealth now after around a year working its cyber security startup business, wants to tilt the traditional security odds so it’s hackers who are left feeling vulnerable and on their guard — by giving the businesses whose systems are under attack a ‘home advantage’. Read More
  • The SaaSing Of The Music BusinessCRUNCH NETWORK

    The SaaSing Of The Music Business

    The music business is about to undergo another seismic shift. And Apple’s streaming service is the tsunami that will force the industry to rebuild. Again. It was around 2005 when I joined Warner Bros. Records as their new head of technology. I was the 20-something-year-old kid who was supposed to have every answer about all things digital. Read More
  • The Future Is Here, It’s Just Unevenly Distributed SystemsCRUNCH NETWORK

    The Future Is Here, It’s Just Unevenly Distributed Systems

    Hearken to me, my fellow developers. We live in complex and confusing times. Once we sought to make things ever simpler. Then we discovered that simple isn’t necessarily scalable, or efficient, or resilient, and turned to favoring composition over simplicity, deconstructing our systems into multiple independent services. And now–well–now it sometimes seems we have hit upon… Read More
  • The Berlin Startup Ecosystem Needs An IPO In The U.S.CRUNCH NETWORK

    The Berlin Startup Ecosystem Needs An IPO In The U.S.

    On the heels of Microsoft’s acquisition of the Berlin startup darling 6Wunderkinder for a price between $100 and $200 million, the debate rages on about whether Berlin startups should be bolder and wait longer for an exit. The consensus in the Berlin startup ecosystem is that we are still missing one extraordinarily big success. Read More