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Monday, June 22, 2015

Dutch News- Groningen Earthquakes Caused by Gas Extraction

13º  light rainMonday 22 June 2015 News Home Politics Business Society Sport Education Health Tech & Media International Archive FeaturesCommunityJobsHousingWhat’s On 

Groningen earthquake risk reduced: confidential report Society June 22, 2015    The most severe earthquake likely to hit Groningen province in the coming years will be 4.5 on the Richter scale, not 5 as earlier forecast, according to a confidential new report. 

The TNO research institute evaluated the risks on behalf of the economic affairs ministry to take into account the reduction in gas extraction. The quakes are caused by the ground settling after the gas has been removed. 

The strongest earthquake so far to hit Groningen measured 3.6 on the Richter scale and took place in August 2012. The new maximum forecast is still 10 times as strong as this, the Financieele Dagblad points out. 

The government is expected to decide on Friday if gas extraction should be further reduced. Share Share Share Share Share Related Stories Groningen again rocked by earthquake despite gas extraction cutbacks Groningen hit by new earthquake, strongest in six months Groningen hit by another earthquake, minister visits locals Groningen hit by new earthquake: ‘I thought everything was collapsing’ 

Read more at Groningen earthquake risk reduced: confidential report

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