Translation from English

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Uncertain Future for Chelsea Hotel in NYC-- former "Bastion of Bohemia"

As reported before, gentrification has driven "Bohemians" out of Manhattan pretty thoroughly and even out of where they went next in Brooklyn (the up and coming neighborhood now in Bklyn
is Red Hook, which would have astounded people 20 years ago).

Chelsea Hotel: Uncertain future for 'bastion of Bohemia'

1 hour ago
For more than half a century, New York's Chelsea Hotel has been a bastion of Bohemia.
A long roll of artists have stayed in its rooms: Dylan Thomas, Arthur C Clarke, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix - the list goes on and on.

Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton was named after a song Joni Mitchell wrote while staying there. And on a darker note, the girlfriend of Sex Pistol Sid Vicious - Nancy Spungen - was murdered in the hotel under circumstances which are still contested.

Today, as gentrification continues to transform Manhattan, the Chelsea Hotel is closed for renovations and the future of the hotel remains unclear.

Sherill Tippins, author of Inside the Dream Palace: The life and Times of New York's legendary Chelsea Hotel, spoke to the BBC about this cultural landmark.

Produced for the BBC by Michael Maher. Archive video courtesy of ABC; filmed by Tim Bates.
Picture This is a series of video features published every Thursday on the BBC News website which illustrate interviews with authors about their new books.

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