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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 3:16

 What is known about the attacks in Brussels  108

L'armée patrouille place de la Bourse. Les gens ont commencé à se recueillir et écrire des messages en solidarité aux victimes, mardi 22 mars.
At least 31 people were killed in explosions at Brussels Zaventem airport and a subway station. The Islamic state has claimed the attacks.
People holding a banner reading "I am Brussels" behind flowers and candles to mourn for the victims at Place de la Bourse in the center of Brussels, Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Bombs exploded at the Brussels airport and one of the city's metro stations Tuesday, killing and wounding scores of people, as a European capital was again locked down amid heightened security threats. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

Live: at least 31 dead in Brussels, actively sought a suspect LIVE

Les unes des quotidiens The Independent, Le Soir et The Daily Mail, datés du 23 mars au lendemain des attentats de Bruxelles.

In pictures: the "one" of French and foreign newspapers after the attacks of Brussels PORTFOLIO

Sur la place de la République le mardi 22 mars, en soutien à la Belgique.

Parisians support their Belgian neighbors: "I understand how they feel"  5

Le « Safety Check » de Facebook déployé après les attentats en Belgique, mardi 22 mars.

How Facebook has activated the "safety check" in Brussels

This device, activated after the attacks in Paris and Brussels, allows users to tell their friends that they are safe. Criticized for having triggered "late" in Belgium, Facebook says.
Bernard Tapie en novembre 2013

Tapie affair: an investigation on a possible tax assistance by Eric Woerth  21

The judges are looking into whether the businessman has received "very favorable tax conditions" on the 403 million euros earned in arbitration with Credit Lyonnais.
Hillary Clinton pourrait remporter le grand Etat de l’Arizona (75 délégués), où 27 % de de la population est hispanique ; ce qui devrait lui permettre de continuer à se rapprocher du seuil de 2 383 délégués requis pour l’investiture.

Primary: Trump and Clinton are betting on Arizona Cruz and Sanders on Small States

Donald Trump approaches the bar of 1237 delegates needed to be nominated among Republicans. Hillary Clinton, it must obtain a total of 2383 delegates to win the Democratic nomination.
La Cour de cassation a validé mardi 22 mars les écoutes opérées par la police des conversations entre Nicolas Sarkozy et son avocat sur la fameuse ligne « Paul Bismuth ». Retour sur l’affaire.

 Look, why Nicolas Sarkozy has he said?  24

The Supreme Court upheld Tuesday the plays made by the police of conversations between the former president and counsel of the famous line "Paul Bismuth".
Rob Ford, l'ex-maire de Toronto, le 27 octobre 2014.

Rob Ford, the former "mayor smoking crack" of Toronto, died

Réfugiés près du village de Dikili, à l'ouest de la Turquie, le 5 mars.

Athens and Ankara are looking to the plight of refugees

La pilote ukrainienne, Nadejda Savtchenko, à l'énoncé du verdict prononcé par le tribunal de Donetsk, mardi 22 mars, pour "complicité de meurtre" après la mort de deux journalistes russes tués en juin 2014.

Ukrainian pilot Savchenko sentenced to 22 years in prison  21

Sarajevo à l'automne 1994.

Sarajevo, 20 years after: return on the longest siege in modern history VIDEO

La police patrouille sur la plage de Grand-Bassam, le 15 mars 2016.

Ivory Coast: 15 arrests in the investigation into the attack of Grand-Bassam

Extrait de la vidéo de L214 dans l'abattoir du Vigan (Gard) en février 2016/

Creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on French slaughterhouses

Joseph Sepp Blatter et Franz Beckenbauer, à Munich en 2006.

FIFA opens investigation into the awarding of World conditions in Germany in 2006  8

Le président de Debout la France lors d'un meeting, le 5 octobre 2013 à Paris.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, optimistic candidate for the 2017 presidential

La compagnie pétrolière britannique BP a annoncé, le 11 mars, qu’elle mettrait un terme en 2017 au soutien financier qu’elle apportait à la Tate depuis vingt-six ans.

Oil money is spot in museums

Tout savoir sur l’eau en 10 chiffres

10 digits for the World Water Day VIDEO

The "jungle" of Calais in BD "big fight" POST TO BLOG

A picture taken on May 5, 2011 in Mandailles-Saint-Julien, central France, shows Salers cattle on the road to Perthus pass. AFP PHOTO / THIERRY ZOCCOLAN / AFP / THIERRY ZOCCOLAN

A case of "mad cow" suspected in France  6

Des touristes en pleine promenade à dos d'éléphant.

Animal abuse: the ten most cruel attractions  18

(FILES) This file photo taken on June 17, 2014 shows bitcoin medals.  A Los Angeles hospital has paid $17,000 in bitcoins to hackers who took control of its computers for more than a week, officials said. Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center said in a statement that it paid 40 bitcoins, the equivalent of $17,000 dollars, in ransom money to bring its computer systems back online earlier this month.The hospital's chief executive Allen Stefanek said staff first noticed problems with accessing the facility's information system on February 5, 2016 and a probe was launched.

Bitcoin: growing pains and quarrel chapel  6

Une vue de l'hémicycle du Sénat, à Paris, en 2012.

Proposed constitutional amendment: the Senate passes its rewritten version  6

Arrivée de migrants sur le hotspot de l'île grecque de Samos, le 3 mars.

For UNHCR, the "hotspots" have become "detention centers"  7

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The newspaper dated March 23

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The attacks took place in Brussels on March 22, 2016.
The place of attacks in Brussels
People leave the scene of explosions at Zaventem airport near Brussels, Belgium, March 22, 2016.    REUTERS/Francois Lenoir - RTSBLJQ
How is the transportation security after the attacks in Belgium?
Après les attentats qui ont secoué la capitale belge, Philippe de Belgique – ici le 22 mars –, a exprimé sa sympathie aux victimes et leurs familles, ainsi qu’aux secours qui sont intervenus. « Nous sommes déterminés à lutter et à réagir avec calme et dignité. Nous devons conserver notre confiance en nous-mêmes. C’est cette confiance qui fait notre force », a-t-il déclaré.
King of the Belgians: "We must keep faith"
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A Lyon, l'une des villes hôtes de l'Euro 2016, le 25 janvier 2016.

Euro 2016: systematic palpation in "fan zones"

The interior minister meets on Tuesday, the Steering Committee on Safety of the sports event to be held from 10 June to 10 July.
Joseph Sepp Blatter et Franz Beckenbauer, à Munich en 2006.
FIFA opens investigation into the awarding of World conditions in Germany in 2006  8
Supporteurs de l'OM face à Rennes.
Football: OM does not spare himself a new crisis
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L'armée patrouille place de la Bourse. Les gens ont commencé à se recueillir et écrire des messages en solidarité aux victimes, mardi 22 mars.

What is known about the attacks in Brussels  108

At least 31 people were killed in explosions at Brussels Zaventem airport and a subway station. The Islamic state has claimed the attacks.
La Cour de cassation a validé mardi 22 mars les écoutes opérées par la police des conversations entre Nicolas Sarkozy et son avocat sur la fameuse ligne « Paul Bismuth ». Retour sur l’affaire.
Look, why Nicolas Sarkozy has he said?  24
Image widely used as a symbol of solidarity after the attacks in Belgium, which actually comes from an advertising campaign for Burger King.
Brussels: the "middle finger" in French fries, an image from an advertisement ...
Tout savoir sur l’eau en 10 chiffres
10 digits for the World Water Day VIDEO
Four cards to understand the Brussels attacks
Jihadists accounts spread false information to add to the panic in Brussels
Le niveau 4, décrété en cas de menace « sérieuse et imminente », prévoit que des mesures exceptionnelles peuvent être prises, comme le blocage des transports.
Belgium placed its highest level of alert  5
L'autoroute bloquée qui mène à l'aéroport de Bruxelles.
The Brussels-Zaventem airport in figures
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US elections
Hillary Clinton pourrait remporter le grand Etat de l’Arizona (75 délégués), où 27 % de de la population est hispanique ; ce qui devrait lui permettre de continuer à se rapprocher du seuil de 2 383 délégués requis pour l’investiture.

Primary: Trump and Clinton are betting on Arizona Cruz and Sanders on Small States

Donald Trump approaches the bar of 1237 delegates needed to be nominated among Republicans.Hillary Clinton, it must obtain a total of 2383 delegates to win the Democratic nomination.


L'armée patrouille place de la Bourse. Les gens ont commencé à se recueillir et écrire des messages en solidarité aux victimes, mardi 22 mars.

What is known about the attacks in Brussels  108

At least 31 people were killed in explosions at Brussels Zaventem airport and a subway station. The Islamic state has claimed the attacks.
La pilote ukrainienne, Nadejda Savtchenko, à l'énoncé du verdict prononcé par le tribunal de Donetsk, mardi 22 mars, pour "complicité de meurtre" après la mort de deux journalistes russes tués en juin 2014.
Ukrainian pilot Savchenko sentenced to 22 years in prison  21
Les forces de sécurité laissaient passer les voyageurs par petits groupes à la gare centrale de Bruxelles mardi soir.
Timid resumption of transport in Brussels, police reinforcements to Paris
Raul Castro, Michelle Obama et Barack Obama à La Havane, le 21 mars.
The visit of Barack Obama underscores the persistent gap between the US and Cuba  17
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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.
Le « Safety Check » de Facebook déployé après les attentats en Belgique, mardi 22 mars.

How Facebook has activated the "safety check" in Brussels

This device, activated after the attacks in Paris and Brussels, allows users to tell their friends that they are safe. Criticized for having triggered "late" in Belgium, Facebook says.
Les autorités ont demandé aux Belges de privilégier Internet pour communiquer, afin de désengorger le réseau téléphonique.
Telephone network saturated in Brussels: focus SMS and social networks
Les autorités américaines ont affirmé le 21 mars qu’un « tiers » avait montré au FBI une méthode permettant de débloquer le téléphone d’un des auteurs de la fusillade de San Bernardino.
The FBI wants to move to unlock Apple iPhone San Bernardino killer  35
(FILES) This file photo taken on June 17, 2014 shows bitcoin medals.  A Los Angeles hospital has paid $17,000 in bitcoins to hackers who took control of its computers for more than a week, officials said. Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center said in a statement that it paid 40 bitcoins, the equivalent of $17,000 dollars, in ransom money to bring its computer systems back online earlier this month.The hospital's chief executive Allen Stefanek said staff first noticed problems with accessing the facility's information system on February 5, 2016 and a probe was launched.
Bitcoin: growing pains and quarrel chapel  6
Contrôle à l'aéroport de Montpellier, le 20 novembre 2015.
Brussels bombings: where is the European air passenger file?
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Players Exclusives

A Zürich.

UBS: the typical profile of tax evaders  18

"The world" has had access to the investigation against the bank for aggravated tax fraud and illegal canvassing laundering, detailing how she has inspired thousands of French to avoid taxes.
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large Formats

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 29: Tom Kim vapes, or smokes an electronic cigarette, at Henley Vaporium on April 29, 2014 in New York City. A new law that goes into effect today in New York and Chicago subjects eletronic cigarettes to the same regulations as tobacco.   Andrew Burton/Getty Images/AFP
The artisans of the vape
"Art of Flying", or how the body behaves weightless
The popular uprising in international conflict 5 years of war in Syria
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Cannes 2016: the game predictions, Italians tailgating Americans
  • "Never felt Paris was also Belgian that March 22"
  • Philippe Geluck: "For an artist, the best response to these violent acts is to continue to practice his art"
  • Seen from Spain. It is Europe that attack, it is Europe that must react
  • Seen from Russia.Brussels: The three messages terrorist Europeans
  • Seen from Belgium.Brussels is only a mermaid
  • "Good Friday is upon us with three days in advance"
  • Explosions in Brussels: "This type of attack is not preparing in one day"
  • The epic adventure of the Argenteuil Tunic


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The victims of the attacks of 13 November

Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Cécile Martin, 33, # inMemory
Baptiste Chevreau. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Baptiste Chevreau, 24, # inMemory
Emmanuel Bonnet. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Emmanuel Bonnet, 47, # inMemory
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, 36, # inMemory
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont réservés exclusivement au "Monde".
Claire Maitrot-Tapprest, 23 # inMemory
Thomas Ayad. Les droits de reproduction de cette photo sont exclusivement réservés au "Monde".
Thomas Ayad, 32, # inMemory
Find all the portraits in our Memorial


Denis Sassou-Nguesso, le président congolais, à Brazzaville, le 20 mars.

Congo: President Sassou-Nguesso poised to win in the first round

The first partial results give the Congolese head of state ahead of the first round of presidential elections.
People holding a banner reading "I am Brussels" behind flowers and candles to mourn for the victims at Place de la Bourse in the center of Brussels, Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Bombs exploded at the Brussels airport and one of the city's metro stations Tuesday, killing and wounding scores of people, as a European capital was again locked down amid heightened security threats. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Live: at least 31 dead in Brussels, actively sought a suspect LIVE
La police patrouille sur la plage de Grand-Bassam, le 15 mars 2016.
Ivory Coast: 15 arrests in the investigation into the attack of Grand-Bassam
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Vivendi a lancé une OPA sur le capital de Gameloft. Le 18 mars, l’opération a été autorisée par l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) et elle s’est ouverte lundi 21 mars.

Video game: Gameloft is trying to counter the offensive of Vincent Bolloré

CEO Michel Guillemot, seeks to convince investors not to tender their shares to the takeover bid launched by Vivendi.
Stéphane Le Foll, lors de l’assemblée générale de la FNPL, à Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu (Rhône), le 17 mars.
How Le Foll hope to end the milk crisis
Bernard Tapie en novembre 2013
Tapie affair: an investigation on a possible tax assistance by Eric Woerth  21
The "toolbox" of manager to start in 2016
FILE - In this Wednesday Nov. 6, 2013, file photo, the Twitter logo appears on an updated phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Twitter, the social media site famous for its 140-character “tweet” limit, turned 10 years old Monday, March 21, 2016, having evolved from what was originally billed as a “microblogging” site into one of the Internet's most influential means of communication. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)
Can you be fired for using social media in their personal work?
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Des lycéens passent une épreuve du baccalauréat à Strasbourg en 2012.

With which bin we succeeds best in college?  20

The pass rate in the 2nd year of license varies according to university courses and the tray of the type obtained by the student.State of play, from the latest ministry figures.
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M mag

Dans "Batman v Superman : l'aube de la justice", Jesse Eisenberg a fait de Luthor "un personnage de la tragédie grecque".

Zuckerberg to Lex Luthor, Jesse Eisenberg, this anti-hero

Revealed in "The Social Network", the actor assumes the garb of cerebral rival Superman in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", in theaters on 23 March.
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Money & Investing

Le fisc vient de préciser les règles des taxations des plus-values boursières en clarifiant le sort réservé aux moins-values.

Taxation of capital gains: new rules specified

The taxman comes to clarify the rules for taxation of stock market gains in clarifying the fate of losses.
Selon l'enquête réalisée par UFC-Que Choisir, beaucoup trop de professionnels réclament encore aux candidats locataires des documents personnels allant au-delà des limites posées par la loi.
Real estate agencies do not "respect the rights" of the tenant, as UFC-Que Choisir 16
Placements, fiscalité, immobilier, donation... Nous répondons à vos questions.
Investment, tax, real estate ... LIVE Ask your question
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEStudents: no mistake of war.
KEEP THE CHANGE!Jardiland testing new concepts in stores
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5 000 postes ont été maintenus en 2015 grâce au sauvetage d'Arc International (Pas-de-Calais) par l'américain PHP.

France Attractiveness: the better, but still work to do

More than 33 000 jobs were created or maintained in 2015 in France thanks to foreign investment, an increase of 27% compared to 2014. However, these data are sham.
L’augmentation de la masse salariale provoquerait celle de l’investissement, faciliterait l’équilibrage des budgets, autoriserait à long terme la réduction de l’endettement public.
"European wage pact" against unemployment
Lors de la manifestation parisienne du 17 mars.
"Work" law: the unions want to continue mobilizing "on March 24"  9
FILE - In this Wednesday Nov. 6, 2013, file photo, the Twitter logo appears on an updated phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Twitter, the social media site famous for its 140-character “tweet” limit, turned 10 years old Monday, March 21, 2016, having evolved from what was originally billed as a “microblogging” site into one of the Internet's most influential means of communication. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)
Can you be fired for using social media in their personal work?
La cimenterie Hima, dans la ville du même nom, à l'est de l'Ouganda, appartient à LafargeHolcim, leader mondial des matériaux de construction.
Uganda LafargeHolcim accused of cement production with ore mined by children
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

  • CARTOONING FOR PEACECartoonistsBy cartooningforpeace of Cartooning for Peace honor in Brussels
  • THE NEWS OF THE JUNGLE By Lisa Mandel Big fight
  • THE INDÉGIVRABLES ... BUT NOT THEY For xaviergorce Dedications
  • NEWS IN POTATOES By Martin Vidberg Tell you safe on Facebook!

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egg casserole
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