Brian Gettemeier shares 27 days of NIOSH LODD reports for you to add to your education and training discussions this month.
Honoring Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters
Garry Ruble, Reannon Marie Payne, David Cappaert and 8 others like this.
Firefighting foams used at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove and the Naval Air Warfare Center in Warminster might be the source of cancer-causing chemicals found in nearly 100 public and private wells near the properties.
Cancer-causing chemicals in nearly 100 wells may be linked to foam.
Jerry Norrod, Biff Huddleston, Karl Bewley and 24 others like this.
Detroit at work this morning on a fire involving a conveyor belt inside a waste water treatment plant.
No reported environmental impact during fire.
Jason Woodworth, Jerry Norrod, Tim Bowers and 96 others like this.
Joe Rehder
Joe Rehder thats a shitty matter how you slice it
33 hrs
Triple-fatal fire earlier this morning in Centralia, Washington
Mother is sole survivor of Centralia house fire.
Biff Huddleston, Mike Sievers Sr., Sean Bosenbark and 24 others like this.
Jamie Camp
Jamie Camp so sad
Firefighters in Highland Park pick up where politicians left off, taking care of their own fighting cancer.
Politicians passed presumptive cancer law but dropped funding.
Timothy Crone, Barney Matheson, Maureen Peck and 454 others like this.
Fred Secco
Fred Secco You can wash wash but they never come clean.i believe all dept. should change them out every few years. I know $$$$$$$ but it's lives$$$$$$.
Aurora Lippad
Aurora Lippad God bless you firefighters
25 hrs
What 'outside the fire service' issues influence your decisions on the fireground? Are you truly aware of them?…/decision-making-firegrou… (John Cetrino photo)
Decision making can be a challenging task in any profession. It is all the more difficult when it comes to firefighting. Nicola Davies looks at situational…
Mary Ann Franklin Bullimore, LuAnn Clark, Clint Lang and 82 others like this.
Jacques Joe Jaecob Passi
Jacques Joe Jaecob Passi I m prod being a firefighter
Mayday in Raytown, Missouri as firefighters work to remove occupants on the upper floors of this burning apartment.
KCTV5 Fireground audio of a scary Mayday call at a fatal fire in Baytown, Missouri. The video is courtesy of KCTV5 and includes the audio of the Mayday. Video…
Bobby Nickols, Lori Sharp, Todd McLean and 650 others like this.
Robert Trudeau
Robert Trudeau I used to live there.... I know they have the skill and knowledge... I know they have the equipment... They are fully capable!!! My personal opinion, had those Raytown jackasses moved out of the way with the red and whites rolling, those 2 seconds could have made all the difference! If you see lights, move outta the way!
Dora Pearl
Dora Pearl A type of call over the radio no one wants to hear, I hope the firefighter heals from his injuries.
918 hrs
Fast-moving fire claimed two people, destroyed a boathouse and storage facility as well as 21 boats and two cars in the marina's parking lot.
Urbana boathouse, 21 boats and two cars were destroyed by fire.
Ángel Berrios, Jason Woodworth, Jamie Camp and 139 others like this.