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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Are You Ready for a Terrorist Attack? Charlotte Observer

The fact is, the United States is constantly under threat of terrorist attack ( and other events such as the now commonplace mass shootings) but most people are not really prepared for facing the reality of the event ( The City of New York and especially the FDNY have one of the most advanced terrorist attack plans in place).

An article in the Charlotte Observer covered how to prepare for and respond to a terrorist attack in detail and there are sites like "Safe Sound Family" which go over the topic step by step and in detail:

series of studies conducted by researchers at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness show that while 72% of Americans anticipate future terror attacks, fewer than 50% of us have a family emergency plan in place.  It is not likely that any of us will forget the images of the families who were affected during the Boston bombing, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, or the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater shooting.

Some people who live in earthquake prone areas, such as around the San Francisco Bay, have better disaster preparedness plans than people in others.

The main message of all articles on the topic is for people to get their disaster preparedness plans together NOW, and be prepared for what is alas probably an inevitable event in many places in the United States ( Some places like NYC and D.C. are obvious targets but other kinds of terror-like shooting attacks take place everywhere).

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