Translation from English

Sunday, November 15, 2015

MY NEW VIDEO: November- Short Takes ( The "Art Film")

The Xmas Shopping Season Has Started..We show the colors red and green here because they have significance in this case...

There are rumors that Starbucks has started a War on Xmas

All this needs to be investigated, and while we're at it, this building has to be inspected for Fire Code Violations

Here's wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, which as I remember happens sometime around now, or was supposed to...but since many Native Americans find the Thanksgiving holiday offensive ( I wonder why) we will pass over that for the moment and cut to the chase

Because of its extreme urgency, this Starbucks business has to be checked out carefully...

Since the investigation is ongoing, nothing can be revealed so far...Meanwhile--


 Note: Blogger's Exclusive Evidence yet to be sorted and submitted...but here's some tidbits
( seen better in Theater Mode or Full Screen)

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