Museo Caracol in Ensenada

Is it a beached whale or a white elephant?

Whale and pedestrian crossing that leads to nowhere: more unfinished projects

A walkway to nowhere and a beached whale that is beginning to look more like a white elephant are featured in a recent instalment of El Universal’s series on costly public FULL STORY
Lozola, left, and union leader Romero Deschamps.

Pemex negotiates new retirement rules

New employees will have to wait till 60 before getting a full pension

Oil giant Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the oil workers’ union have hammered out a long-awaited deal that will raise the retirement age from 55 to 60 for newer employees. The FULL STORY
Route of the new pipeline

TransCanada wins natural gas pipeline

Federal Electricity Commission awards $500-million contract

The Canadian energy infrastructure firm whose Keystone XL pipeline was nixed by U.S. President Barack Obama last week had better news this week from Mexico. TransCanada Corporation has won a FULL STORY
The hotel where a Canadian couple died this week.

Canadian visitors found dead in Jacuzzi

Nova Scotia couple were in Playa del Carmen for their daughter's wedding

A wedding turned into a tragedy this week when the bodies of a Canadian couple were found in a Jacuzzi in their room in a Playa del Carmen hotel. Charles and FULL STORY
McDonald's hamburger

Customer claims rat, firm claims extortion

McDonald's denies there was a rat's head in hamburger

Extortion was the second most frequent offense in Mexico last year and it takes many forms, but a rat’s head in a hamburger is not among the more common ones. FULL STORY
The Ayotzinapa teacher training college.

Recorded phone call reveals gang link

But one of the two people recorded claims it's a fabrication

Federal authorities say they will investigate a recorded telephone conversation that links the crime gang Los Rojos with students at the Ayotzinapa teacher training college. But one of those whose voices was FULL STORY
Soldier on patrol in Acapulco.

Escalating violence seen in Guerrero

Military officials say five criminal gangs are vying for territory

Violent crime has continued to soar in Guerrero since the disappearance last September of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teacher training college, despite increased security across the state. Between January FULL STORY
Burned-out buses in Villahermosa

Fire in Villahermosa destroys 47 buses

Thieves might have set the fire while stealing fuel from the vehicles' tanks

Forty-seven transit buses were destroyed early this morning when fire swept through the lot in which they were parked in the Tabasco capital of Villahermosa. No one was hurt in FULL STORY
Pardinas: corruption a regressive tax.

‘They couldn’t care less about corruption’

Organization charges that authorities don't allocate enough resources to fight it

Mexico has spent several years near the bottom of an index measuring international competitiveness, and corruption is blamed as a key reason. But what’s worse, according to the Mexican Institute FULL STORY
The Supreme Court:

End the drug war for a prosperous future

It represents a necessary first step towards Mexico's prosperity, stability and security

Mexico is a country with endemic problems of narco violence concomitant with political corruption and a baffling 19th-century bureaucracy. A trifecta of sorts – a perfect storm of impediments to economic FULL STORY
pena nieto

EPN not in favor of marijuana legalization

But calls for a national debate to find a consensus

President Enrique Peña Nieto was clear and direct in a speech this week when he defined his stance regarding the legalization of marijuana, opened up by the Supreme Court’s landmark resolution of last FULL STORY
Police in Zacatecas: didn't fare well in survey.

Critically low scores recorded in 4 states

Citizens' group finds police unprofessional, underskilled, untrustworthy

State police forces in Zacatecas, State of México, Guerrero and Michoacán are unprofessional, underskilled, untrustworthy and lack discipline, says a citizens’ advocacy group. The four states received critically low ratings FULL STORY