Translation from English

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gothamist- Deployment of NYPD Counter-Terrorist Teams

NYPD Counterterrorism Teams Deployed Across NYC In Wake Of Paris Attacks

At least 100 people are dead after multiple attacks in Paris tonight. The NYPD released a statement, noting, that "out of an abundance of caution" various counterterrorism teams would be "dispatched to crowded areas around the city," adding, "There is no known indication that the attack has any nexus to New York City."
There were apparently three attacks in Paris: CNN reports, "At least six shootings took place in Paris and three explosions took place at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis late Friday, CNN affiliate BFMTV said. Two or three gunmen entered the Bataclan concert hall while opening fire on law enforcement, BFMTV reported. A source earlier told CNN there were six to eight hostage takers, citing a person they were talking to inside the venue... Attackers reportedly used AK-47 automatic weapons.Attackers reportedly used AK-47 automatic weapons."

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after the international friendly soccer match between France and Germany in Saint Denis
French President Francois Hollande, who had to be evacuated from Stade de France, said, "As I speak, terrorist attacks of an unprecedented scale are taking place in the Paris region. There are several dozen dead, lots more wounded, it’s horrific." Hollande has declared a state of emergency and closed the country's borders.
It's believed around 100 hostages were taken at Bataclan. It's now being reported that they are dead:
President Barack Obama denounced the attacks, "We've seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we that we share."
From the NYPD: 
The NYPD is in close touch with our French police counterparts as well as our FBI partners here, following the tragic events in Paris. Out of an abundance of caution, as part of an enhanced counterterrorism overlay the Counterterrorism Bureau has made the following deployments: the NYPD Counterterrorism Response Command (CRC) resources as well as the Critical Response Group (SRG), and Hercules Teams have been dispatched to crowded areas around the city out of an abundance of caution to provide police presence, and public reassurance as we follow the developing situation overseas. Specific deployments, at French government locations in New York City, were made immediately after the attacks.
NYPD Intelligence Bureau Detectives in France are conducting liaison activities to assist the Paris Police in any way possible, while keeping the NYPD updated on the on-going situation.
There is no known indication that the attack has any nexus to New York City. We will continue to follow events closely and adjust our deployments accordingly.
Mayor Bill de Blasio, who visited Paris earlier this year to pay respects after the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish supermarket attacks, appeared on WABC 7, "Let me just say up front, our hearts are with the people of Paris right now. And I was there in January after those horrible attacks, and we just have to think for a moment about what pain the people of Paris are in right now for this to be happening again in the same year. What I can say is NYPD is of course ready, has already deployed resources to protect the French Mission to the U.N. here in New York City, and the French Consulate, and will be focusing on other sites related to France to make sure they are safe."
He reiterated points from the NYPD's statement, "One thing I can say for sure - the city is on constant alert and we’re working very, very closely with our federal partners, with Homeland Security, FBI, etcetera. So we are ready, but every time we see an attack like this it is not only sobering, it’s a reminder to be prepared, to be vigilant, and to make sure that we are reenforcing in places where there would be the greatest likelihood of a potential follow-up attack. That’s why we’re focused on these French government locations here in New York City."

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