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Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Green Magic Homes kit lets you assemble your own house – and then bury it
People have long been fascinated with the concept of having their own "hobbit home." Building your own from scratch, however, could be rather challenging. That's why Green Magic Homes is now offering prefabricated hobbit-like modular structures, that can be joined up to match buyers' specifications.  read more
Infinity modular laptop inches closer to classroom reality
​Back in February, Sydney, Australia-based One Education officially unveiled its concept for a modular laptop called the XO-Infinity. The Infinity project has now blossomed into a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to get the colorful portable computer into the hands of school kids around the globe.  read more
Doomed Phobos will become a ring around Mars
University of California, Berkeley scientists have calculated that in 20 to 40 million years, the Martian moon Phobos will be so torn by tidal forces that its fragments will form a ring around the Red Planet.  read more
Ditching the lens enables superslim FlatCam that's thinner than a dime
Engineers have produced a functional lens-free camera that is thinner than a dime, raising the possibility of tiny, flexible versions that can embedded in everything from your wallpaper to your credit card.​​  read more
New gamma-ray spectroscope would reveal what lies within for asteroid miners
To help find out if its worth going to a particular asteroid, scientists from Vanderbilt and Fisk Universities are developing a new gamma-ray spectroscope that's capable of scanning asteroids for valuable minerals. read more
Nanometer-thick membrane a new contender in the quest for more efficient desalination
​Engineers have used nanotechnology to model a new membrane that can filter salt from seawater at higher volumes than ever before. The membrane, made from molybdenum disulfide, “pulls” clean molecules water through itself. Potentially, this could make desalination plants much more energy-efficient. read more
Rezvani reveals hardcore 700-hp Beast X roadster
Its 500-hp Beast is no slouch, but Rezvani Motors believes there are at least five customers out there willing to spend double the price on a suped-up, twin-turbo roadster. For them, there's the all-new Beast X. read more
First commercial launch for Japan's H-IIA rocket platform
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency have announced that the Telesat Telstar 12 VANTAGE satellite today made a successful launch from the Yoshinobu launch pad at the Tanegashima Space Center.  read more
uCella upsizes the connected mailbox for online shoppers
As online shopping continues to grow, so too does the size of the packages we need our mailboxes to handle. One US company is looking to answer the call with uCella, a smart, wall-mounted container that secures big packages as they are dropped off, and can even help arrange for their return.  read more
Volvo explores autonomy with Concept 26
Volvo becomes the latest to create a home-cooked vision of the autonomous car of the future. The Swedish automaker drives right to the heart of the matter and focuses solely on an interior that transforms to allow the driver-passenger to better manage commuting time. read more
NASA releases images displaying a day in the life of Pluto and Charon
​NASA has released two images showcasing a full rotation of the Dwarf Planet Pluto and its unusually large moon Charon.   read more
Blue Origin's New Shepard makes historic touch down
After an unsuccessful landing attempt in April, Blue Origin has stuck to the old adage of, if you don't first succeed, try, try again, to successfully launch and land a re-usable rocket designed to take paying customers on a suborbital flight to the edge of space.  read more
Archont electro gives e-bikes the custom-chopper treatment
Using an electric bike instead of a car is certainly a responsible thing to do, but it may not capture everyones' imagination. Well, if you're one of those people who need a little more enticement, then you might like the Archont electro.  read more
Altering the physiological circuits of flatworms makes them grow the heads of other species
Biologists have successfully induced flatworms of a specific species to grow the head and brain you'd expect to find on another species. The breakthrough adds to our understanding of exactly what governs the growth of anatomy.  read more
Theory suggests that "hairs" of dark matter may exist around planets
A new NASA theory suggests that dark matter may interact with planets, forming long filaments or “hairs” of invisible particles. Their study could be scientifically fruitful, deepening our knowledge of the elusive matter.  read more
The robots are in charge at Europe's biggest automated car-park
Scouring a multi-story car-park to find a space can be an unforgiving task. It's not necessary, however, at a new multi-story lot at the Dokk1 community complex in Aarhaus, Denmark. Drivers leave their cars with an automated system, which picks them up and carries them to a space.   read more
New recycling process crafts unbelievable art out of plastic garbage
Industrial designer Carter Zufelt has created a new process for recycling discarded plastics. Unlike most current methods, his is able to transform garbage into uniquely-crafted art.   read more
Volvo drivers can now have online shopping orders delivered to their cars
This year's Christmas shopping just got easier for Volvo drivers in Gothenburg, Sweden. The carmaker has launched its In-car Delivery service, which allows users to order shopping online and have it delivered to their car while they are elsewhere.   read more
Pay What You Want: Learn to Code Bundle, From HTML5 to Ruby to Python & Beyond: Become a Developer with 92+ Hours of Instruction!
Only YOU can choose to leap into a new career, so only YOU should choose the price. Pay what you want for the ultimate learn to code bundle, covering all the major programming languages and frameworks necessary to succeed in the world of tech. With lifetime access to all 9 courses, it's the gift that keeps on giving.  read more

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