The nights are getting cooler and we must all remember to be ‪#‎FDNYSmart‬when heating our homes. ALWAYS turn off and unplug space heaters when you leave a room or go to sleep. When purchasing a space heater, look for heaters with automatic shut-off features, and remember that kerosene and propane space heaters are illegal to use in NYC. For more winter tips, visit [web page]
Lesley Oconnor, Bertrand Olivier, Kathleen Melloy Palummo and 217 others like this.
Susan McPadden
Susan McPadden my FDNY dad would go around blowing out all the candles I would light and don't get me started on the Christmas tree
‪#‎FDNY‬ Lt. Bill Butler gives his bunker coat, which he was wearing when trapped in the World Trade Center collapse on September 11, to U.S. Navy sailors from the USS NEW YORK (LPD 21) . The USS New York (LPD 21) sailors stopped by Engine 48, Ladder 56 and Division 7 in the ‪#‎Bronx‬ today, as part of their visit to NYC for Veterans Week.
Lee Willis, Dagmar Brecht, Hajrun Shabani and 2,840 others like this.
Sandra Lamas
Sandra Lamas Proud of the FDNY my son is a Captain at 48 Engine
98 hrs
Phil Foley
Phil Foley God bless our vets and the FDNY 343.
On November 5th, the New York City Fire Museum hosted the Firefighter Cook-Off and Fundraiser, where ‪#‎FDNY‬ members competed to earn the title of Best FDNY Chef. To view more photos from the event, click [Flickr]
Rebecca Summers, Tom Anoe, RuLee Allyn and 1,222 others like this.
John Widner
John Widner You guys from the NYFD should have a cook off against the LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department) that would be cool.
Lindsay Smith
Lindsay Smith Yum! The food looks great, too! 
Ciudad de Nueva York added 6 new photos.
El alcalde Bill de Blasio y el comisionado Daniel A. Nigro encabezaron este viernes la graduación de la nueva clase de bomberos en probatoria junto al comisiona...
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Lori D'Arcy Marino, Stephanie Pardun, Patrick Schultheis and 493 others like this.
Annmarie Cruz
Annmarie Cruz Beautiful God bless
Jaime Veliz
Jaime Veliz Felicitaciones al FDNY
On November 6, 2015, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and Chief of Department James E. Leonard presided over a graduation ceremony for 295 Probationary Firefighters in Queens. These Probationary Firefighters will be assigned to firehouses throughout the city, where they will gain field experience under the guidance of senior Firefighters and Officers. To view more images, click[Flickr]
Lillian Sharkey-Williams, Thierry Constant, Paul Rudd and 2,347 others like this.
Lynn Heiser
New York City Fire Department (FDNY) Yes! Haley should be receiving a response via mail shortly.
Bill Kline
Bill Kline 294 firefighters and one court appointed worker.
The legacies of FDNY Captain Timothy Stackpole and Firefighter Carl Asaro, both of whom were killed on September 11, live on through their sons Brendan Stackpole (right) and Matthew Asaro (left). Both FDNY Probationary Firefighters graduated today from the Fire Training Academy. "I feel a sense of pride,” says Probationary Firefighter Stackpole, “This has been a dream of mine since before he passed. I want to carry on the tradition."
Darko Pašalić, Patty Blackburn, Karen Gee Foreman and 13,808 others like this.
Dennis N Georgianne Asher
Dennis N Georgianne Asher Carry on Firefighters and stay safe.
Melvin Stanbrough
Melvin Stanbrough Not many jobs today that you can follow in fathers grandfathers footsteps. I followed both into a structural iron worker and grandfather into the volley fire service that I had no idea about for over 40 years into my service. It does pull on your heart about those who went before you in oh so many ways
“It’s an extremely unique experience being able to do this having my real brothers next to me to help me along. I feel very fortunate for it, it’s very exciting. I could never have done it without their encouragement every day.” Probationary Firefighter Lisa Cusimano on what it means for her to graduate from FDNY Training Academy, following in the footsteps of her father and two brothers.
“The respect and admiration of a grateful city has been earned through the blood, sweat and far too many tears of generations who have come before you. As of this moment, that history…that tradition…it is in your hands as well. Cherish it. Honor it. Hold it to the highest standard possible. That’s a right you’ve earned. But it’s a right you must earn again and again every day of your careers. Countless young boys and girls dream of one day being where you are now. So many ve...
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FDNY Family Day was held on Saturday, October 31st, at the Fire Academy on Randalls Island. The families of Probationary Firefighters were welcomed to the Fire Academy to see firsthand the skills their loved ones have learned over the last 18 weeks as they trained to become New York's Bravest! See more images at [Flickr]
Victoria McKenzie, Emma Hartvig, Dania Kazeleski and 3,005 others like this.
Roy Cotignola
Roy Cotignola Congratulations to our newest Probationary Firefighters. You now enter the Family of The Bravest. A few words of advise to help you through your career. No ones asks you to do anything that they themselves haven't done. Do the right thing always, if yo...See More
Diane Paul
Diane Paul Congratulations to all of our new FDNY firefighters. God Bless you and keep you safe always.
Shout out to ‪#‎FDNY‬ members Christopher Feliciano and Ian D’Soza of EMS Station 49, who sprang into action and defibrillated a male patient in cardiac arrest at a ‪#‎Queens‬ gym. The patient arrived at Mt. Sinai Queens hospital alert, and giving a thumbs up.
Bonnie Nevins, Kalifa Browne, Charles Doridant and 4,494 others like this.
Jackie Santiago
Jackie Santiago Congratulations also to FDNY EMTS Frank Rodriguez and Nemorin Henry who were part of the call that save the man' s life
Donna Perks
Donna Perks Well done .. It makes you feel good when that happens .. I'm a paramedic for The London Ambulance Service in the UK .. A 34 year old man arrested in front if me and we got him to hospital talking ... Amazing feeling !!!!! 
Today's FDNY Throwback Thursday photo is from a second-alarm fire this date in 1970 in the East Village. See this image and more at [Flickr]
John Leonard, Bonnie Nevins, Kalifa Browne and 1,967 others like this.
Andy Bidlingmaier
Andy Bidlingmaier I remember wearing that model SCBA.
Dennis Le Moignan
Dennis Le Moignan Well worth a look Milton. Click on the site and check the old Throwback pictures.
There’s still time left to grab your ticket to the New York City Fire MuseumFirefighter Cook-Off and Fundraiser, this Thurs Nov 5, where you can watch Firefighter chefs battle it out for the title of Best FDNY Chef. Purchase your tickets at
Dania Kazeleski, Kalifa Browne, Wilfredo Moreno and 377 others like this.
Dagmar Brecht
Dagmar Brecht I would like to come, but i am from Germany
Joanne Beebe
Joanne Beebe Good luck fellows
On November 1, 2015, FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and the FDNY Running Team were awarded the Mayor’s Cup, the trophy for the competition between the running teams of FDNY and NYPD at the NYC Marathon. Congratulations FDNY! View images at [Flickr]
On November 1, 2015, Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro and the FDNY Running Team were awarded the Mayor’s Cup, the trophy for the competition between the…