ISIS releases chilling video threatening to attack Russia 'very soon' and 'make their wives concubines' two weeks after claiming to have bombed one of its jets

  • Footage was posted online by terror group's notorious propaganda wing
  • Video includes chants of 'soon very soon, the blood will spill like an ocean'
  • Shows horrific images of prisoners being decapitated and shot in the head
  • ISIS has previously threatened revenge for Russian air strikes in Syria
  • For full news coverage on the Islamic State visit
The Islamic State has released a chilling video warning of attacks in Russia 'very soon' and threatening to 'make their wives concubines and their children slaves'.
The footage, posted by the group's notorious propaganda wing, also included chants of 'the blood will spill like an ocean' while showing horrific images of beheadings and scenes of Russian troops.
ISIS has previously called for attacks on Russia and the United States in revenge for air strikes on its fighters in Syria
Western intelligence officials also suspect the ultra-hardline Sunni group of planting a bomb in a Russian passenger jet which crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula two weeks ago killing 224 people.
Scroll down for video 
Sinister: The Islamic State has released a chilling new video warning of attacks in Russia 'very soon' and threatening to 'make their wives concubines and their children slaves'
Sinister: The Islamic State has released a chilling new video warning of attacks in Russia 'very soon' and threatening to 'make their wives concubines and their children slaves'
ISIS has previously called for attacks on Russia and the U.S. in revenge for air strikes on its fighters in Syria
ISIS has previously called for attacks on Russia and the U.S. in revenge for air strikes on its fighters in Syria
ISIS video pledges to make Russian wives 'concubines'
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The latest video bears all the hallmarks of the skillfully edited and highly choreographed videos released by the jihadi group's Al Hayat media centre, most notably in the sickening footage showing the Jordanian pilot being burned to death in February. 
The warning is relayed in the form of an Islamic chant – known as a nasheed – while sickening close-up images are shown of prisoners being decapitated and shot at point-blank range.
It warns: 'The lions of Ummah have awoken. They have raised their swords.
'O, filthy kufr (infidels), you are not brave at all. The sounds of your voice has been silenced.
'We will take through battle the lands of yours we wish, so much of your lands.
'Soon very soon, the blood will spill like an ocean... we will make your wives concubines and make your children our slaves.'
Chilling: The footage, posted by the group's notorious propaganda wing, also included chants of 'the blood will spill like an ocean' while showing horrific images of beheadings and scenes of Russian troops
Chilling: The footage, posted by the group's notorious propaganda wing, also included chants of 'the blood will spill like an ocean' while showing horrific images of beheadings and scenes of Russian troops
Propaganda: The warning is relayed in the form of an Islamic chant – known as a nasheed – while sickening close-up images are shown of prisoners being decapitated and shot at point-blank range
Propaganda: The warning is relayed in the form of an Islamic chant – known as a nasheed – while sickening close-up images are shown of prisoners being decapitated and shot at point-blank range
The video come nearly two weeks after ISIS affiliate Sinai Province claimed it blew up the St Petersburg-bound Metrojet plane on October 31.
Moscow and Cairo both dismissed the initial claim it brought down the Airbus A-321, but ISIS again insisted last week they were responsible and promised to reveal how.
'Prove that we didn't bring it down, and how it came down. We will detail how it came down at the time of our choosing,' the group said in an audio statement posted online. 
Its secretive leader Abu Osama al-Masri, 42, has also been named by Western intelligence chiefs as the prime suspect behind the plot. 
Relatives grieve Russian plane crash in Egypt's Sinai
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Western intelligence officials suspect the ultra-hardline Sunni group of planting a bomb in a Russian passenger jet which crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula two weeks ago killing 224 people
Western intelligence officials suspect the ultra-hardline Sunni group of planting a bomb in a Russian passenger jet which crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula two weeks ago killing 224 people
A picture of one of the crashed Airbus A321's doors show it bearing 'pockmarks' on the inside, which could be evidence of shrapnel from a bomb that has gone off inside the plane
A picture of one of the crashed Airbus A321's doors show it bearing 'pockmarks' on the inside, which could be evidence of shrapnel from a bomb that has gone off inside the plane
The terror group had promised revenge after Russia began a campaign of air strikes in Syria six weeks ago, targeting ISIS strongholds as well as moderate rebels backed by the West who are fighting President Bashar Al Assad.
Government troops on Tuesday broke a siege imposed by ISIS on the northern military air base of Kweiras since 2013, marking the first major achievement by Assad's forces since Russia began its air strikes.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Kweiras battle had left 60 ISIS fighters dead.
More than 40 government troops and pro-government gunmen, including Iranian and Hezbollah fighters, also died.
'Bomb plotter': Secretive ISIS leader Abu Osama al-Masri (whose face has been obscured by the terror group in this image) is suspected of blowing up the Russian holiday jet over Egypt killing all 224 people on board
'Bomb plotter': Secretive ISIS leader Abu Osama al-Masri (whose face has been obscured by the terror group in this image) is suspected of blowing up the Russian holiday jet over Egypt killing all 224 people on board
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