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The Latest Forecast for El Nino

El Nino intensifying for winter and will finally end late spring, early summer. Meteorologist Bonnie Schneider explains. 
The strongest El Niño in 18 years continues to intensify and is likely to be one of the three strongest on record by the time it peaks this winter, according to a monthly outlook from NOAA released Thursday morning.
This El Niño is then expected to weaken in the spring, disappearing altogether by late spring or early summer 2016, the November El Niño diagnostic discussion from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center said.
El Niño is an anomalous, yet periodic, warming of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. For reasons still not well understood, every two to seven years, this patch of ocean warms for six to 18 months.

Nov. 1-7 Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies

Weekly sea-surface temperature anomalies from November 1-7, 2015 over the Pacific Ocean (degrees Celsius), relative to 1981-2010 average. The central, northeast and eastern Pacific show warmer-than-average water temperatures especially over the equatorial Pacific. Cool anomalies are seen in parts of the northwestern Pacific Ocean near Japan. (NOAA/ESRL/PSD) 
    This warming of equatorial Pacific water influences the atmospheric pattern from the western Pacific Ocean, including Australia and Indonesia, to North and South America, the Atlantic Ocean, even parts of Europe and Africa.
    Precipitation and temperature impacts in the U.S. from a strong El Niño are typically most noticeable during the colder months, from late fall through winter. We have more on what those impacts are later in this article.
    From October into early November, sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) near the equator in the central and eastern Pacific have continued to warm.
    In fact, the early November weekly SST anomalies in the so-called Niño 3.4 region (between 90 degrees W and 160 degrees E longitude and 5 degrees north/south latitude) equaled the peak weekly value (+2.8 degrees Celsius) on Nov. 26, 1997 during the 1997-1998 El Niño.
    Tropical meteorologist Dr. Phil Klotzbach said that is being paced by the warmest sea-surface temperatures over the past 25 years in the equatorial central Pacific Ocean, well south of Hawaii. 
    For historical purposes, El Niños, and their opposite La Niñas, are ranked according to a three-month running mean SST anomaly, known as the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI)
    Based on the latest three-month (August-October) ONI, the 2015 El Niño is pacing ahead of the 1982-1983 event, but still behind the pace of the strongest El Niño of record in 1997-1998.
    YearAug-Oct ONI (degrees C)
    1) 1997+2.0
    2) 2015+1.7
    3) 1982+1.5
    NOAA's November report indicated that all computer models surveyed expect that El Niño will persist through winter 2015-2016 before weakening, as most typically do, in spring 2016.

    Dynamical and statistical model forecasts of three-month mean sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Nino 3.4 region from mid-October 2015 into early summer 2016.   (IRI/CPC)
      We've already seen some impacts from El Niño this summer and fall.
      For example, a record number of named storms have developed during the central Pacific hurricane season - a basin where we typically see an uptick in tropical activity during El Niño. 
      The subtropical, or southern branch, jet stream has been particularly active in recent weeks over the Pacific Ocean, energizing a succession of storm systems bringing flooding rain to Texas and the Lower Mississippi Valley, days of rain and cloudy skies in the Southeast, and welcomed snow to the snow-starved Sierra and high country of Southern California.
      We've also seen dry conditions set in from Indonesia to Papua New Guinea, in recent weeks. Dense smoke from fires burning in parts of Indonesia and Malaysia closed schools in nearby Singapore in late September.
      What else does this warm water have to do with your weather? 

      Schematic comparison of sea-surface temperature and most persistent rain/thunderstorm locations in neutral vs. El Nino conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.   (NOAA)

        A 'Sea Change' in Atmospheric Circulation

        Typically, easterly trade winds near the equator pile warm water into the western Pacific Ocean. Conversely, the resultant upwelling, or upward movement of deep, cold ocean water keeps the eastern and central Pacific Ocean cooler.
        Thunderstorms require at least some degree of warm, humid air near the surface, so they're more numerous and persistent over the western Pacific warm pool, and much less so in the eastern equatorial Pacific. 
        During an El Niño, these trade winds weaken, and may at times reverse from west to east. Warmer western Pacific water then slowly sloshes back toward the central, even eastern Pacific Ocean in what's known as an equatorial-trapped Kelvin wave.
        Therefore, the most persistent thunderstorms will shift from the western to the eastern and central Pacific Ocean in an El Niño. 
        This trade wind reversal and the resulting reorientation of thunderstorms changes the atmospheric circulation not just over this swath of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, but can also have far-reaching impacts on the atmospheric circulation.

        Weather Impacts

        First, keep two things in mind throughout this discussion of potential impacts:
        1) El Niño is not the sole driver of the atmosphere at any time. Day-to-day variability in the weather pattern, including blocking patterns, forcing from climate change and other factors all work together with El Niño to determine the overall weather experienced over the timeframe of a few months.
        2) No two El Niños are exactly alike. The intensity matters for impacts.

        Typical jet-stream pattern, temperature and precipitation departures from late fall (Nov.) through winter (Mar.) during a moderate to strong El Nino in the U.S. 
          El Niño's clearest impact on northern hemisphere weather patterns occurs from late fall through winter.
          Looking at past moderate and strong El Niños, here are the upshots for temperatures and precipitation from late fall through winter in the U.S.:
          Wetter: Southern U.S. from California to the Carolinas then up parts of the East Coast
          Drier: Parts of the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, Northwest and Northern Rockies
          Cooler: Desert Southwest, Southern Plains, northern Gulf Coast
          Warmer: Northern tier of states from the Pacific Northwest to the Northern Plains, Great Lakes, and Northeast
          Note these are impacts that are typically expected, but they aren't always the rule.
          Residents of the western states may remember the flooding that struck California during the strong 1997-98 El Niño. In February 1998, a series of storms caused an estimated $550 million in damage and killed 17 people in California. A total of 35 counties were declared federal disaster areas. This fits into the bucket of the wetter-than-average winter you would typically expect in a moderate or strong El Niño.
          Interestingly, during the previous winter there was also major flooding in California and it was even more costly with a total price tag of $1.8 billion, according to Jan Null, a consulting meteorologist in California. However, El Niño was not present that winter and rainfall for the season was near average. The flooding was the result of excessive rainfall that fell in a short time period combined with snowmelt from late December to early January.
          The weak El Niño in the winter of 2006-07 provided a totally different story than what we saw in the very strong 1997-98 El Niño winter.
          California had its 23rd driest winter season on record when looking at the three-month period from December 2006 to February 2007. In Los Angeles, the entire water year from July 2006 to June 2007 was the driest on record with just 3.21 inches of rainfall.
          So, those hoping for drought relief next winter in the Golden State shouldn't immediately draw a conclusion that significant rains are ahead in any El Niño year. The strength of the El Niño can play a role in the outcome. In addition, heavy rainfall can occur with or without El Niño present and that was the case in the winter preceding the strong 1997-1998 El Niño.
          Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at weather.com and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him on Twitter and Google Plus

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