Our firefighters and support staff joined the rest of the country this morning to pause for a minute's silence in memory of the 52 people who lost their lives ten years ago in the 7 July bombings. We also remember all those who lost loved ones and pay tribute to the incredible acts of bravery by all the emergency services who attended that day.
  • Mira Beda, Elder Charlene Broadnax, Ken Lester and 2,020 others like this.
  • Graham Bishop Don't forget the ordinary folk who also helped out that day, they too deserve credit for there acts!
    8 · 18 hrs
  • Janet Evans remember that as my son was training to be a fireman they had the job that day replenishing the engines
    2 · 23 hrs
On the 10 year anniversary of the 7 July bombings in London, we've collected the experiences of our people who were on duty that day. You can watch, read and listen to them all here. http://bit.ly/77timeline
Experiences like Stephen Hockin's. Stephen attended Edgware Road station with his crew. A day he will never forget.
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The new Orpington fire station opened last week.
Firefighters began operating from their newly built station on Wednesday, with one crew having worked from a temporary station built at the rear of the existing site, since January 2014. The other crew and their engine were being hosted at Beckenham fire station.
The state-of-the art building has lots of features including a large appliance bay and a community room available for bookings. The temporary station will now be remo...
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Our fire dog Sherlock and his handler Paul (left), recently undertook two comprehensive training days alongside LFB colleague Mick Boyle with fire dogs Murphy and Roscoe (right) and Tim Richmond and fire dog Reggie from Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (middle).
The training was led by Clive Gregory who set up fire investigation dogs in the UK and included searches covering a range of scenarios including open area searches, building searches and searches in densely vegetated areas that allowed the trainers to test the dogs’ ability to indicate areas of interest even if they couldn’t get direct access to a hide.
You can find out more about the work of our fire dogs here http://www.london-fire.gov.uk/fire-investigation-dogs.asp
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Our crews do a lot of work in the community and recently Hounslow firefighters attended the borough’s Junior Citizens workshops where they spoke to children from local primary schools about fire safety.
The children were quizzed on the dangers of fire in the home and how they can be prevented. As well as discussing what to do when a smoke alarm goes off, the pupils practiced how they’d respond in the event of a fire with lots of thick smoke – by staying low and crawling to sa...
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  • Adrian Fogarty, Adrian Foley, Anne Timmins and 78 others like this.
  • Robin Sharp I took this for 1 day and the response from the children was very impressive. If each child learns 1 thing . It could save there life and educate there parents at the same time. The reason it is in a tent is because there were 14 other groups runnin...See More
  • Val Newman Shame you picked the Hounslow scheme to illustrate the FB's involvement - the Wandsworth Scheme (ROSPA approved) was one of the first and is held using proper scenarios where the importance of the message becomes far more realistic than in a tent -
Earlier today our uniformed and support staff across the Brigade held a minute’s silence to remember those who lost their lives in the Tunisia attack.
  • Cameron White, Marilyn Smith, Jenny Williams and 1,366 others like this.
  • Debra Cutter Morrisons did 2 minute silence in respect of those who lost their lives in the Tunisia attack thoughts are with you all xxx
  • Donna Hyland Full respect and admiration for all our firefighters and god bless those who lost their lives. My heart weeps for you and your families x