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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Islamic State and Turkey- Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Terror in Turkey"Islamic State" takes place at the Turkish army

IS-fighters have taken from Syrian soil from a position of the Turkish army under fire. One soldier was killed. The PKK in turn is committed to an attack on Turkish police.
© AFPExplosive use: Turkish army vehicles on the Syrian border in Suruc near the embattled Kobane (archive Juni 2015)
A Turkish officer is killed on Thursday and four soldiers were wounded when fighters of the "Islamic State" (IS) adopted by Syrian soil from a position of the Turkish army under fire. A IS-fighters was killed in the fighting. The Turkish Armed Forces confirmed the evening in a statement relevant media reports.Three vehicles of IS militias had been taken.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed a clash between Turkish soldiers and the IS. Who opened fire, but they could not tell.
The army, meanwhile, has expanded its presence along the border. The government in Ankara confirmed reports that the fence will be replaced along the 900-kilometer border with Syria by two parallel walls made of concrete blocks and barbed wire.
In eastern Turkey Diyarbakir a traffic policeman was shot dead in broad daylight on Thursday. On Wednesday a border town with Syria, two policemen were in Ceylanpinar, been killed with shots to the head.

PKK accuses himself of stroke

The terrorist organization "Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) known for the attack in Ceylanpinar. This was in retaliation for the attack in Suruc and for the collaboration of the Turkish authorities with the IS. A suicide bomber killed 32 people of the IS near a cultural center in Suruc on Monday. The victims, activists of a socialist youth organization, had wanted to support Kurdish fighters who are fighting in Syria Kobane against IS.
People march with flags and banners with the pictures of victims who were killed in Monday's bomb attack in Suruc, during a funeral ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey© REUTERSEnlargeKurds demonstrate on Tuesday in Suruc.
The newspaper "Zaman" published a document to prove that the police is on the activities of IS in Turkey in the picture. Atilla Kart of the opposition CHP accused the ruling AKP before that cleaning up the police led to the 2013 charges against the AKP corruption allegations to the police failures in Suruc. Ridvan Yavuz, deputy of Kurdish HDP, said the identity of the assassin was not examined when entering the cultural center, but rather the identity of young people.
More on the subject
The Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc rejected criticism of his government and asked why not delegate the HDP or representative of the Kurdish city government was present at the event. Loyalists media had spread, the HDP had known in advance of the attack, but did nothing. Arinc defended the government's refusal to declare a day of mourning for the dead.
Source: here. / Gif. / Dpa 
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