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Monday, July 6, 2015

German Politics and Refugees- Frankfurter Allgemeine

Flüchtlingsheimriots at town hall meeting in Freital

Freital near Dresden has gained notoriety because of violent protests against a refugee camp. Now it came at a town hall meeting with interior minister of Saxony riots. Proponents of a home were mobbed and shouted down.
© DPAThe hall had to be closed due to overcrowding.
Tumultuous scenes and violent hostilities have overshadowed a town hall meeting on the subject of asylum in Saxony Freital. The city just outside Dresden had in recent weeks with partly racist protests against a refugee camp in a former hotel headlines. At the meeting on Monday evening flat prejudice and incitement against asylum seekers were again out loud. Meeting participants who were interested in refugees inserting were shouted down by others.
The Presidents of the City Council and the future mayor Uwe Rumberg ( CDU ) called for an end of xenophobia and hatred. "Enmity has no place in Freital," it said in a joint statement, which was read at the end of the town meeting.
Saxony's Interior Minister Markus Ulbig (CDU), who had come to Freital and together with other representatives of the state government, the county, the city and the police answered questions from citizens, was then disappointed by the baffles, which was a conversation impossible , "Success is different, but important it was that event." The aim was to take up concerns and issues of citizens.

Protests at the door

Right at the beginning of the meeting, there were violent protests, as the hall was closed due to overcrowding. Many citizens were still in front of the building and demanded angrily intake. According to City Council 380 meeting participants were approved. It was not until a few more citizens were admitted and were promised to hold another gatherings, the situation calmed down slightly.
Ulbig was booed when he wanted to portray the situation in the refugee accommodation. Citizens accused the policy to lie to them. The asylum seekers would disturb the peace in the residential area. "The only cause dirt and trash and throw everything out the window," said a local resident. Another stated that at night without sleeping pills no longer shut eye because of the noise. Money would be "wasted for asylum seekers" and lacked the Kitabau or for ailing schools.
Citizens who critically deal with the anti-asylum-protests in front of the home, were shouted down with "Shut up" chants. A representative of the initiative for openness and tolerance has taken the microphone.

Contract could be extended

Ulbig stressed the accommodation in Freital must exist at least until the end of the year as a temporary home for the initial reception of refugees, there are corresponding agreements until the end of January 2016. "It may well be that we extend this contract in 2016 again," he said. As long as the planned new initial reception in Leipzig and Dresden were not completed to relieve the central facility in Chemnitz, you need the interim solutions.
"It is important that the people who come to us will be treated properly, to stay neat and get a fair trial", Ulbig said. At the same time, it called again for an acceleration of the asylum procedure and a consequent deportation of rejected asylum seekers and obliged to leave.
For months, it comes in Freital to protests against being used by the district asylum accommodation in the former hotel. As a reception center with another 280 people was set up there two weeks ago, the situation escalated. Residents spoke of a "cloak and dagger operation" of the state government. Asylum opponents partly lined up against more than a hundred counter-demonstrators.Multiple they were attacked by alleged rights.
More on the subject
Recognised refugees have found a home in Freital, according to the declaration of the City Council-Presidents. In addition, the city should be no place of action for extremists. The protesters were invited "to remain peaceful, to refrain from aggressive and racist remarks, and to respect the right of all residents to peace and quiet".
Racism is unacceptable, also said Freitals Mayor Mirko Kretschmer-Schöppan (independent) on the question of how the division of the population could be overcome in the city. "We must first time be able to communicate with each other. Only then can we take care of the integration (of the refugees). "
Source: SPO / dpa. 
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