Translation from English

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Poem from Urdu- Muhammud Irqbal- Translated by A Z Foreman- Poems Found in Translation

Poems Found in Translation: “Muhammad Iqbal: At Napoleon's Tomb (From Urdu)” plus 2 more

Link to Poems Found in Translation

Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:25 PM PDT
I haven't been studying Urdu for very long, but I thought I'd try my hand at a poem. I chose this one because (a) it's an immensely interesting and entertaining piece, and (b) it's the first Urdu ghazal I managed to understand all the way through, without recourse to a dictionary or puzzling over grammar. Then again, I'm not sure that's actually much of an accomplishment, given how heavily Persianized it is. The final verse is actually in Persian, and is a direct quote from Hāfiz.
In fact, the difficulties I encountered in translating this poem have little to do with how new I am to Urdu. Most troublesome was the quite Persian expression jōš-i kirdār, a phrase central to the poem's thrust, occurring no less than four times, whose vast, evocative semantic range encompasses everything from "the seething/boiling force of action" to "the energy of behavior, of character" (and for which I have found the rather unsatisfying equivalent "seething mettle.")

There is much I could say about Iqbāl. Most of which would royally piss off his fans. Perhaps I'll say more of it if, and when, I translate other work by him. For now, I'll content myself with a few cursory remarks. I think he had even more in common with Nietzsche than he ever realized, and was even more "western" in his outlook than he would ever have admitted. (Indeed, one of the most western things about him is the terms in which he denounces the west.) Like Nietzsche, too, he was far worthier as a poet than as a philosopher, as witnessed by the vitalism on display in this poem. An alienated and modern man yearning for the palingenetic revitalization of the polity he identified with, it is no surprise that his religiously sophisticated conservative modernism found great appeal in the same irrationalist, retrograde strains of western thought that also gave rise to mysticizing secular fascism. In this respect he had less in common with his masters Rūmī, Ḥallāj and Goethe, than he did with his European contemporaries like Yeats and Stefan George.

At Napoleon's Tomb
By Muhammad Iqbal
Translated by A.Z. Foreman
Click to hear me recite the original Urdu

Strange and mysterious, the fate ã€€ã€€
of this world of stress and storm,  
  Only in men of seething mettle 
  does fate reveal its form.
From seething mettle Alexander's ã€€ã€€
sword dawned upon the land  
  To blaze on high, and melted down 
  the mountain of Alvand. 
From seething mettle came torrential  ã€€ã€€
Timur's all-conquering flood.  
  Such mighty waves make nothing of 
  the land's vicissitude. 
The cry of prayer, the cry of war  
from God's men as they trod  
  The battlefield, in seething mettle
  became the Voice of God.
Yet little more than meager moments  
are granted to the brave,  
  A breath or two in time against
  the long night of the grave.
"The Valley of the Silenced ends  
the road of every man.  
  Seethe and resound beneath the vault
  of stars, while yet you can." 

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