Translation from English

Friday, June 12, 2015

Jakarta Post- New Graft Allegations


AGO targeting governors,
regents in graft allegation 

The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) is still tracing suspicious bank accounts belonging to Southeast Sulawesi Governor Nur Alam, Central Kalimantan Governor Teras Narang, Pulang Pisau regent Eddy Pratowo, Bengkalis regent Herlyan Saleh, Seruyan regent Sudarsono, Klungkung regent I Wayan Candra and Rejanglebong regent Suherman.
Director of investigation unit of the AGO’s special crimes division Maruli Hutagalung said here on Friday that the investigation was based on the findings of Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK), which had previously detected the suspicious bank accounts.
“We are carrying out a further investigation into Nur Alam’s bank account. An investigating team has been deployed to collect relevant evidence,” he said as quoted by
He said the team was still investigating allegations on the flow of funds from Nur Alam’s bank account to a mining company Richcorp International Ltd. in Hong Kong and the team had delivered a letter of questions to Hong Kong.
“We’ve drawn up questions and then sent them to Hong Kong to get their answers. We have already received the questions’ answers. The team is still studying the answers,” he said. (rms)(+++)

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Its a foregone conclusion that ALL OF THEM ARE CORRUPT ...... whether they end up being charged is purely testimony to their ingenuity at hiding their illicit funds and taking appropriate precautions. But, precautions are NOT A PRIORITY at the time when they took the money because nobody had previously got into trouble for corruption ! So, essentially, catching them is a walk in the park, its simply how much they want to catch them, if indeed they want to or is allowed to !
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