New! Circus!
Uncover the amazing story of one of the world’s greatest leaders and most misunderstood conquerors, Genghis Khan. Learn how his empire forever changed the face of the world, and discover his legacy as both a ruthless warrior and a revered statesman. Experience the exotic atmosphere of ancient Mongolia, entering the tents, battlegrounds, and marketplaces of a vanished world. Examine the saddles and armor used by the Mongol Warriors and see different styles of bows and arrows, including flaming arrows used to spread fire on the battlefield. See hundreds of historical treasures including weapons, jewels, monuments, and documents up to 1,000 years old!


Things to Do and See in Genghis Khan

  • Mongolian Armored Horse and Warrior
    The Mongolian warriors of Genghis Khan were highly skilled horsemen and essential to the growth of his empire. Examine the saddles and armor used by the Mongol Warriors and learn about the rise of the Mongols and one of their most valuable military assets: the cavalry. 
  • Crossbow
    The Mongols used siege weaponry in their efforts to capture great walled cities, like this 12-foot crossbow on display in the exhibit.
  • 1259 Map and Trebuchet copy
    Genghis Khan’s quest for power was limitless—the exhibit makes use of an interactive map to illustrate the growth and extent of his empire. Trebuchets, much like catapults, were often used throughout his dominant journey.
  • Mural
    Although no official portrait was created in Genghis Khan’s lifetime, several works of art were created after his death. In the exhibit, you will find some of these works, such as this mural of Genghis Khan with his loyal officers.
  • Genghis Khan: Bring the Legend to Life
    The exhibition features more than 200 stunning artifacts; most never-before-seen and recently gathered from private collectors in Mongolia, Azerbaijan, and the United States.  Jewels, silk robes, ceramics, religious relics and weaponry, including one of the world’s earliest guns, and a sword carried by one of Marco Polo’s guards.
  • The Grasslands
    Learn about the early life of Genghis Khan.  Even as a child, he had to be a leader within his family, defending his mother and siblings after his father's premature death.  Tour a real Ger, the traditional home of nomadic Mongolians even through present time.

Interactive Map

Floor 3