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Monday, June 29, 2015

FDNY Activist's Rants on "White Boy Privilege"-- NY Post

Uproar over FDNY activist’s ‘white boy privilege’ rant

The leader of the city’s female firefighters has sparked outrage for blasting “white boys” and “white privilege.”
Sarinya Srisakul, president of United Women’s Firefighters, is taking heat from fellow Bravest after some found her online comments.
They read:
“These white boys crying and complaining over this because their white privilege is being messed with. Trying living a life being racially profiled!!!!”
Critics say Srisakul violated the FDNY’s social-media policy when she posted the comments in November. The policy bars statements that bring the department into disrepute, but some firefighters say Srisakul gets away with it because she is “politically correct.”
Srisakul, who failed the Fire Academy twice before graduating after a third try, has been outspoken about the FDNY’s hiring criteria, calling some requirements unfair to women.
Srisakul could not be reached for comment. An FDNY spokesman said the posting is “under review.”
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