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Friday, June 12, 2015


EMS Week 2015: When did a pediatric response make you feel like a superhero?

This year’s EMS Week 2015 theme is EMS STRONG, and we asked you to share stories of when a pediatric patient made you feel like a superhero. We received dozens of submissions, and here are the six finalists.


How my sister’s death created a family of first responders 1st Place
By Abe Boxx

I went on to become a paramedic to prevent other people from suffering the way my family did on one awful night. Full Story

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  2nd Place
By Michael Dumond

As a medic who popped a girl’s knee back into place I never expected her to recognize me years later in the grocery store. Full Story
  3rd Place
By Bruce Glover

EMTs, firefighters, and cops came together to extricate a 10-year-old with a bolt through his skull, and we all learned the importance of working together. Full Story
By Joseph Immerman

I am not sure if I have ever been the unquestionable difference between life and death, but I can tell stories about making patients feel better on their worst days well into the night. Full Story
By Reba Campbell

Like those medics I now know my true calling is to be a hero in someone else's eyes, but a normal everyday person through my own eyes. Full Story
By Debbie Tipton

We weren't sure what happened to the infant abandoned in a toilet until, as fate would have it, the child was adopted by our friend. Full Story

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