Translation from English

Friday, June 12, 2015

Corriere della Sera- Gang Members Attack Milan Conductor

Milan, conductor aggressors arrested two twentysomethings "latinos"

One of the two Salvadorans have launched the machete that has almost an arm amputee to guard. He, after surgery: "Will I be able to hug my daughter '

Editorial Milan online

Il capotreno ferito sulla banchina (Fotogramma, foto Twitter@ASparaciari)The wounded guard on the platform (frame, photo Twitter @ ASparaciari)
Two Salvadorans aged 19 and 20 were arrested by the squad of the state police in Milan as part of the investigation coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Alberto Nobili and Lucia Minutella pm on charges of attempted murder for the attack on Carlo Di Napoli , 32, the conductor attacked with a machete Thursday night on the railway link in Milan. The two young men belong to the gang of Latinos "MS13" and one of them, the 19 year old, he launched the machete that has almost an arm amputee to conductor. Arm man had turned up to protect themselves, or the consequences could be even more serious. The young man, José Emilio Rosa Martinez, born in '95, is a native of El Salvador. In relation to the investigation of the Flying Squad of Milan, coordinates dall'aggiunto Alberto Nobili and Lucia Minutella pm, it appeared that the young man had hidden the machete in his pants. During interrogation Martinez has put on the record a number of elements that, crossed with hints investigation, they have allowed investigators to consider it the responsibility of the attack.
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 MS13: tattoos, graffiti and machete
Already arrested in 2013
The other arrested is Jackson Jahir Trivino Lopez, Ecuador 20 years, with a residence permit expired, nom de guerre "Peligro" (Danger): responding to competition in attempted murder and is already known to the police because he had been arrested in Mobile ' operation 'Maredos "of 2013 , which led to the execution of two arrest warrants issued against 25 persons, including 7 minors, mostly Salvadorans, affiliates criminal association "MS13". Trivino did not respond to questions during the interrogation and ended in silence. The investigators, from what we have heard, they are looking for two other young South Americans. Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, congratulated the commissioner of Milan and the leader of the squad for the arrest.
The evening's drinking
The arrest took place about 50 minutes after the attack in via Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, under the bridge Martin Luther King, around at 21.50. They were covered with blood. The attack with machetes would take place at the end of an evening spent drinking alcohol in a park. The young Salvadorans should drink plenty of vodka in a park on the Certosa with a group of 7-8 other people, including a girl. They would go up to the stop before Villapizzone, where also a part fell on the train leaving just four guys. At that moment he approached the guard to ask the tickets and, according to investigative sources said, the Salvadoran has launched the coup to "defend" the friend of the request. In fact, it seems that only one in four had the ticket. On Saturday, the measure of arrest will be forwarded to the judge for preliminary investigations to the request for validation.
shadow carousel
 Milan, guard attacked with a machete: stopped two boys from a gang Latin
The story of the conductor
"I was very scared, but now I feel more relieved: the most important thing and I can hug my 5 month old baby." So said Di Napoli Secretary Lombard Pd Alessandro Alfieri, who visited him at the hospital in Niguarda. "I sensed that there was a strange situation - said the conductor - and so I asked my colleague if he could be a little 'with me despite having finished the round." The man was subjected to a long and delicate surgery hospital Niguarda: "The injured had a serious injury to his left arm swing - explained doctors -, injury which led to a sub-amputation. It tried to regain arm function and prognosis will be dissolved in the coming days. " "This is the worst night of my life and long, my husband is a rock indeed our rock!", He wrote on his Facebook wall assaulted the wife of the conductor. "I never thought of being surrounded by so many people who love us!Thank you, I do not give up and even Carlo! ", She adds.
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 The guard attacked with a machete in Milan
Intervention arm than eight hours
"It is treated to a very serious injury, but his arm is safe for the moment," hospital sources said. The conductor assaulted, who reported the sub-amputation of his left arm, he underwent an operation for eight hours with the collaboration of several specialists: a general surgeon, a vascular surgeon, a plastic surgeon and an orthopedic surgeon ( MORE INFORMATION TECHNICAL INTERVENTION ). The operation lasted from 23:40 on Thursday, 11 June at 06.30 on 12 June. "We have tried to preserve limb function - explained the doctors - but only in the next few days you will be able to dissolve the prognosis if everything goes well."Colleagues, who have always remained close, recounted: "He smiled and started to move his fingers. We are accustomed to accidents, but this thing is terrible. "The second controller hit, which had intervened to help his colleague during the attack, was injured in a less severe and is admitted to the hospital Fatebenefratelli.
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 The film of the attack
Maroni: "It is self-defense, you can shoot '
"We will ask to put the military and the police to combat these phenomena" on the trains, said the governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni after learning the news of the guard attacked in Milan. Even up to shoot? "Yes of course - answered - is self-defense, I want someone to prevent these things, and if you need to shoot, shoot." Maroni visited the guard attacked Niguarda hospital: "I wanted to bring my support, I told him that the Lombardy Region will fight because you approve measures to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents. We have requested the intervention of the military and the police. " "The political responsibilities are all right. Giuliano Pisapia and his council can not hide, the soldiers manning the stations were driven from Milan, "says Mariastella Gelmini, coordinator of Forza Italy Lombardy. "As we asked Pisapia for public transport, even to say Maroni to put armed security guards on Trenord" says Riccardo De Corato, vice-president of the City Council and leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Region.
Berlusconi, Salvini, Cecchetti, Wolves, Gasparri
"I'm in shock over what happened in Milan. Police and law enforcement must work with the army, "said the leader of Forza Italy, Silvio Berlusconi. "We are invaded, but where is the government?" Said Berlusconi. "These are no longer afraid of anything. Otherwise it should not be walking around with a machete in his backpack, "says the secretary of the Northern League Matteo Salvini. "You have exceeded all limits, so you can not move forward. The Region think seriously the possibility of establishing a body of vigilantes to be used for security and patrol and guard trains and other public transportation, "is the opinion of the vice president of the Regional Council Fabrizio Cecchetti (Lega Nord). "We need urgently a law on urban security," says Maurizio Lupi, leader of Area People's Chamber. For Senator Maurizio Gasparri of FI to Milan "it is just the latest in a series of unprecedented violence that occur in our cities. There is no security, there is no control, no State. It is serving the army, the military road. "
Grains, Fiano, Alfieri, Martina, Violi
The Councillor for Safety of the City of Milan, Marco Granelli, visited the hospital to guard attacked: "A man strong and very courageous, I brought the greetings of the Mayor Giuliano Pisapia. Now in Prefecture I will meet with all institutions and law enforcement agencies. As a council we are of course always ready to lend our cooperation in the Region and Trenord - says Granelli - to actually tackle the problem of security on trains. Working together is certainly more useful than launching into speculation and poor evoke absurd call to arms. " "Nobody sudden sheriff, nor authorize anyone to be so by virtue of their role," warns Emanuele Fiano, MP and head of the Democratic Party security, also contesting the intervention of Maroni. "Faced with such incidents of wanton violence we can not remain indifferent, but I remain convinced that the angry response remains useless and fragile. Severe penalties and certain managers and improved controls in the outlying areas of the city, "adds Fiano. "I just brought greetings from around the Democratic Party and the Secretary Renzi," said the regional secretary of the Democratic Party Alessandro Alfieri immediately after the visit to the conductor assaulted. "I was pleased to see Carlo alert and with so much desire to fight and react. I was very impressed that his first thought was for colleagues with a request to put them in the best position to work safely in the evening bands, "adds Alfieri. In hospital the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina: "I brought my neighborhood, that of President Renzi and the whole government.What happened is very serious, the guilty must be punished immediately for what they did. Certain policy - he concluded - must avoid exploitation, especially those who had responsibility in the past. " "We say no firmly to private guards on trains and on the territory, citizens pay taxes and must be recognized as services and public safety," said the regional leader of the M5S Dario Violi.
Delrio and Fat
"It is urgent to share with stakeholders in strengthening the control system and prevention, allowing citizens and operators to travel in peace and safety, while respecting the rules." So the Minister of Transport Graziano Delrio. "It is unacceptable aggression to the two railway workers, who are our deepest sympathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery. It is necessary - it adds - ensure as soon as possible those responsible to justice and our support goes to the police. " Senate President Pietro Grasso, who spoke on the topic of migrants during her visit to Expo, said: "The incident is an act crazy but it should not confuse us with the problem of immigration. You can not respond to the request of the ticket with a machete, "but it is an act" that can happen anywhere in the world "and" you have to keep separate the two things. "


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schiller512 giugno 2015 | 16:00
in fatti in francia e germania di extracomunitari non se ne vedono....
egocentrico12 giugno 2015 | 16:00
Grazie a entrambi per il commento e buona notte.
ghemon8812 giugno 2015 | 15:59
Mi ha rubato la risposta. Mi sa tanto allora che io e lei, seppur forse da posizioni politicamente non proprio simili, la vediamo però, in fin dei conti, allora alla stessa maniera, e questo, mi creda, mi fa solo piacere. Se non le spiace le do quindi ancora una volta il mio voto... d'apprezzamento. A risentirci alla prossima!
egocentrico12 giugno 2015 | 15:58
La responsabilità è del suo partito, o della sua parte politica, che ha preferito dare libero accesso ai clandestini, anziché contrastarli. Unico paese al mondo.
egocentrico12 giugno 2015 | 15:57
Non per tutti, ma a livello generale è certo molto carente. Ma non è colpa dei militari, bensì della politica, che li ha messi in condizioni di subalternità nei confronti dei criminali e dei politici stessi.
valz6012 giugno 2015 | 15:56
Intanto avete cancellato il reato di clandestinità rendendoci uno dei pochi paesi a non averlo .
egocentrico12 giugno 2015 | 15:54
Ricordo che il trattato di Dublino è stato firmato da un Ministro del Governo Berlusconi, ma che lo stesso trattato è stato firmato anche da altri 15 paesi appartenenti alla UE e anche dalla Svizzera (che non ne fa parte). Però solo in Italia abbiamo lo sconcio che sta davanti ai nostri occhi. Come mai ? Gli altri paesi sono differenti ? I cittadini di quei paesi non sono terrestri ? O si tratta invece delle incapacità dei governi di destra e sinistra a dare la corretta applicazione.
Lettore_177480412 giugno 2015 | 15:51
Quindi anche lei come me vota o voterà per la lega. E' la soluzione migliore.
ghemon8812 giugno 2015 | 15:51
Le ho dato il mio voto perché sono d'accordo al 150% con lei, almeno su questo punto. Da parte mia ho sempre votato per le opposizioni, non sopportando prima socialisti ne tanto meno democristiani come ora non sopporto il PD del Bomba, brutta, bruttissima copia di quest'ultimi
Falcoblu12 giugno 2015 | 15:49
non faccio he leggere di delinquenti , arrestati e trovati con il permesso di soggiorno scaduto e che dovrebbero essere lontani anni iuce che tranquillamente passeggiano nelle nostre città.......non se ne può piùùùùù
egocentrico12 giugno 2015 | 15:40
Un lettore le ha chiesto una risposta. Ma nel paese dei guelfi e ghibellini, dei Capuleti e Montecchi, dei destrorsi e sinistrorsi, degli Orazi e Curiazi, dei fiorentini contro i livornesi, e di tutte le parrocchie e campanili eternamente antagonisti fra loro, e l'un contro l'altro armati, la risposta non è possibile. Può venire solo da una persona straniera. Saluti a Lei e al lettore_1774804.
ghemon8812 giugno 2015 | 15:39
Lungi da me da difendere il Bomba ed il suo PD che non voterei nemmeno se mi puntassero una pistola alla tempia, ma è stato il Governo Forza Italia + Lega Nord a firmare a Dublino la sventurata legge che dava diritto d'asilo agli extracomunitari in Italia. E' stata la Lega di Maroni ad aiutare l'ex sindaco PDL di Roma, Alemanno, a tirarsi fuori dai guai, finanziando i campi rom della Capitale con ben 30 milioni di euro all'anno che potevano essere dati agli italiani. E qui x decenza mi fermo...
tpl94812 giugno 2015 | 15:35
alt !!! al governo ora non c'e' Maroni ma Renzi che sta depenalizzando tutti i reati ( si sa piu' sono fuori piu' voti prende )
Lettore_304506112 giugno 2015 | 15:28
Gli italiani devono imparare a votare le forze politiche che difendono l'ordine pubblico e i diritti dei cittadini italiani. Chi è causa del suo mal pianga se stesso. Anni di lassismo e di tolleranza a 360° hanno portato a questo sfacelo. Ora quando il gioco si fa duro dovrebbero essere i duri a giocare e non i politici rammolliti come Alfano & Co.
Lettore_177480412 giugno 2015 | 15:27
Lei che di buon senso è fra i pochi ad essere fornito ci dica come vede l'episodio ed i suoi contorni.

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