Translation from English

Monday, June 15, 2015

Born/Died Today with Pithy Quotes-

Rachel Donelson Jackson"To tell you of this city, I would not do justice to the subject. The extravagance is in dressing and running to parties."
Rachel Donelson Jackson
(06/15/1767 – 12/22/1828)
US first lady (7) (married to Andrew Jackson; see other US first ladies) , on Washington DC 
James Knox Polk"No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure."
James K. Polk
(11/02/1795 – 06/15/1849)
US President (11) (see all US Presidents) 
Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Sheridan Norton"Until I truly loved, I was alone."
Caroline Sheridan Norton
(03/22/1808 – 06/15/1877)
English writer (granddaughter of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; involved in scandal with William Lamb Melbourne) 
"The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool." 
William McFee
(06/15/1881 – 07/02/1966)
US writer 
Rosalia de Castro"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it."
Rosalia de Castro
(02/24/1837 – 06/15/1885)
Spanish writer 
Saul Steinberg"I think, therefore Descartes exists."
Saul Steinberg
(06/15/1914 – 05/12/1999)
Romanian cartoonist 
Morris Udall"For those of you who don't understand Reaganomics, it's based on the principle that the rich and the poor will get the same amount of ice. In Reaganomics, however, the poor get all of theirs in winter."
Morris Udall
(06/15/1922 – 12/12/1998)
US Congressman (AZ), presidential contender 
Mario Cuomo"You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose."
Mario Cuomo
(06/15/1932 – )
US Governor (NY), presidential contender 
Waylon Jennings"When they called 'em rock'n'roll pioneers, they were talking about the music. But that pretty much described the living conditions, too."
Waylon Jennings
(06/15/1937 – 02/13/2002)
US musician , on touring with Buddy Holly 
Harry Nilsson"I get nervous when they start shooting piano players. "
Harry Nilsson
(06/15/1941 – 01/15/1994)
US singer, songwriter 
"Women prefer Democrats to men."
Tony Coelho
(06/15/1942 – )
US rep (CA) 
Jim Varney"Ernest is a neighbor or relative that we've all had at one time. He's abrasive, but he doesn't mean to be. He gets excited and ends up standing on your toes. I try to make him clownish and I don't want him too low key; and he's physically funny."
Jim Varney
(06/15/1949 – 02/10/2000)
US actor 
John Sansing"Nobody wants a quarter-inch drill bit. What they want is a quarter-inch hole."
John Sansing
(06/15/1960 – )
US best friend of quotekeeper, musician, inventor, sheet-metal journeyman 
Helen Hunt"To tell you the truth, I don´t have any expensive tastes. I´m just as happy going to a beach and sitting in the sun today as I was ten years ago. I wouldn't feel comfortable if I drove there in a Bentley convertible."
Helen Hunt
(06/15/1963 – )
US actor 
Courteney Cox Arquette"I have to be physically attracted to someone. But I can't just be with someone just because it's great sex. Because orgasms don't last long enough."
Courteney Cox Arquette
(06/15/1964 – )
US actor (married to David Arquette) 
Mary Carey"Arnold, if you ever need advice on the state of California or want to grope another girl, call me."
Mary Carey
(06/15/1981 – )
US porn star, gubernatorial candidate (CA) 
"When you're out of office, you can be a statesman."
John Connally, Jr.
(02/27/1917 – 06/15/1993)
US Secretary of Treasury 
Ella Fitzgerald"I stole everything that I heard, but mostly I stole from the horns."
Ella Fitzgerald
(04/25/1917 – 06/15/1996)
US singer 
Hume Cronyn"The whole business of marshalling one's energies becomes more and more important as one grows older."
Hume Cronyn
(07/18/1911 – 06/15/2003)
Canadian actor (was married to Jessica Tandy) 

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