Translation from English

Sunday, October 11, 2015

From the NYC Brotherhood Firefighter Foundation ( from Facebook)

I have to note that I am not completely sure of the facts of this.. all sorts of stuff gets on the internet and on Facebook..I am going to check this one out and see
We have received messages from fans of ours who are firefighters asking us "what is the IAFF doing to get Zadroga passed"?

Well we don't have an answer for that. As the leading firefighting group for Zadroga since 2008, we can't honestly say where they have been anywhere on this issue.

Posting updates on a Facebook page about what your going to do or what you plan to do, and actually doing something are 2 very different things. We have seen that action from elected officials.
We do not expect to see that action from the IAFF.

Now we are not saying they are not lobbying for the re-authorization of the bill as their Facebook page says they are. We are however saying that we have been to Washington, D.C. For each and every step of this process since 2008 and everybody knows who we are as well as who the Fealgood foundation is. But we don't know anybody from the IAFF.

The Fealgood foundation schedules all meetings and pays for our meals and our rooms. We have a very close relationship with many members of congress. At no single time were the words "IAFF" ever mentioned by any one person in any of the hundreds of meetings we have taken in on this subject.  

So if your a concerned member of the IAFF and you have questions about what the IAFF has done to get this bill re-authorized then we suggest you ask them that question and then get back to us.
Because we here at the foundation would love an update from a group we've never seen in DC.

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