On This Day: September 2

Updated September 2, 2014, 5:33 am
On Sept. 2, 1945, Japan formally surrendered in ceremonies aboard the USS Missouri, ending World War II.
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On Sept. 2, 1948, Christa McAuliffe, the American teacher who died in the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion, was born. Following her death on Jan. 28, 1986, her obituary appeared in The Times.
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On This Date

1666The Great Fire of London broke out. It destroyed nearly 400 acres, including some 13,000 houses and the old St. Paul's Cathedral.
1789The U.S. Treasury Department was established.
1864Union Gen. William T. Sherman's forces occupied Atlanta during the Civil War.
1901Vice President Theodore Roosevelt offered the advice, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair.
1935A hurricane slammed into the Florida Keys, claiming 423 lives.
1944Navy pilot George H.W. Bush was shot down by Japanese forces as he completed a bombing run over the Bonin Islands.
1945Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent republic.
1963"The CBS Evening News" was lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes.
1969North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died.
1969The first automatic teller machine to use magnetic-striped cards opened to the public at Chemical Bank in Rockville Centre, New York.
1983Tom Brokaw took over as anchor of NBC's "Nightly News."
2004President George W. Bush accepted his party's nomination for a second term at the Republican National Convention in New York City.
2005President George W. Bush told Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" during a tour of Hurricane Katrina damage in Alabama.

Historic Birthdays

81Ernst Curtius 9/2/1814 - 7/11/1896
German archaeologist; directed the excavation of Olympia
79Lucretia Hale 9/2/1820 - 6/12/1900
American novelist and writer of children's books
81Giovanni Verga 9/2/1840 - 1/27/1922
Italian novelist, short story writer and playwright
65A. G. Spalding 9/2/1850 - 9/9/1915
American baseball player and sporting-goods manufacturer
78Wilhelm Ostwald 9/2/1853 - 4/4/1932
Russian-born German Nobel Prize-winning chemist (1909)
79Frederick Soddy 9/2/1877 - 9/22/1956
English Nobel Prize-winning chemist (1921)
67Werner Blomberg 9/2/1878 - 3/22/1946
German general and minister of war under Hitler
81Cleveland Amory 9/2/1917 - 10/14/1998
American critic, historian and journalist
57Martha Mitchell 9/2/1918 - 5/31/1976
American figure in the Watergate scandal