Translation from English

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Le Monde- New Humanitarian Camp for Refugees, Maybe for 2016


Calais: Valls announced the construction of a new humanitarian camp 2016

The World | • Updated | Julia 
« L’idée, c’est que le campement puisse ouvrir au début de l’année 2016 », a précisé Manuel Valls à Calais.
"The European Commission will make available to the French authorities up to 5 million euros," announced Monday, August 31 Vice-President Frans Timmermans on the occasion of a trip to Calais with the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls The interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, the Secretary of State for European Affairs, 
Harlem Desir, and Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos.
This budget will mainly finance the installation of some 120 tents for about 1 500 people on the moor which are currently grouped 3000 migrants in unsanitary conditions. An area that was renamed "the jungle" of Calais. "The idea is that it[the camp] could open in early 2016," said Manuel Valls.

"We could fly the helicopter jungle"

That same morning, the director general of the association Active Life, William Alexander, who pilot this project evoked a total cost of 25 million euros, notably to allow earthworks. In recent days, the rains caused widespread flooding in the moor consists mainly of sand dunes. "An estimated 1000 people suffered rainygauged Christian Salome, the Inn of migrants. Tents were completely transfixed."As responsible associations present in the field, the need to put away each is more urgent day.
The French ministers and EU commissioners visited the hosting device Jules Ferry, located in a former outdoor center adjoining the camp and currently offers a night reception and hard to 115 particularly vulnerable persons, women and children. The center director, Stéphane Duval explained that the premises are saturated and that "70 people are on a waiting list."
The visit also provided an overview of the day care service provided by ten social workers association Active Life: an average of between 2 200 and 2 300 meals are served later in the day, 500-700 people can take a daily shower. "A personal reinforcement would be welcome and we can blithely expand the service," said Stéphane Duval. A measure that is not in the agenda. "We do this for every step and defended Bernard Cazeneuve. We could fly the helicopter jungle, disperse [migrants] and never come back. "
For Véronique Currency, president of Catholic Charities of the Pas-de-Calais, the Prime Minister's announcement is an "advanced" and "this is a very good thing that Europe becomes aware that there is an emergency Humanitarian border. " But the manager asks: "There are 3500 people in the jungle, I do not know how they will handle the sheltering of some and not others. How to tell one "shalt thou away" and the other "you stay outside in -5 degrees"? "This is why she said," it would have almost had to find another place elsewhere. Put the humanitarian camp in the same place means they will have to manage huge tensions ".

"Humanity and firmness"

On the occasion of his speech, Mr. Valls has claimed an approach combining'humanity and firmness ", as he had done the day before in La Rochelle in closing the Summer School of the Socialist Party. Since the beginning of the year in Calais, 1600 asylum applications were filed and 1200 persons were returned to their country of origin.
"We must make this essential distinction. There is firstly the right to asylum and the other irregular immigration. "
The Prime Minister reiterated his desire to develop "hot spots", such centers operate to sort in the country of arrival, such as Greece and Italy. Mr. Valls also mentioned the need to create a "departure prevention center and assisted return" in Niger, known to be a transit country.
Mr Cazeneuve found that "60% of those who arrive" in Calais "part of the economic immigration." An estimate which seems not, however, be shared by all. "When you look at the country, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Syria ... can we say that people only move for economic reasons? Ç is seems unlikely, "said William Alexander, the managing director of Active Living.
The arrival at Calais Mr Valls with two Commissioners also of a "symbolic" aspect, recognized the prime minister. It allows to stage a coordinated approach to migration crisis. Mr. Valls has defended the idea of a "narrow 
cooperation between the Commission and the Member States and also the candidate states "while condemning the fact that" too many countries refuse to take them. We can not accept it. "

"The numbers are still quite manageable"

Frans Timmermans has also held that "nobody can hide, we need everyone", he recalled that "the migration will continue" and that "the numbers are quite manageable for a continent 500 million, has provided us 
répondions with unity. " Frontex speaks of 340,000 arrivals in Europe since early 2015.
Read also: In Europe, a piecemeal asylum policy
Vice-President of the European Commission again argued for a "permanent mechanism for distribution of asylum seekers" in Europe. "We will propose within a few weeks a list of safe countries," he added, referring to the candidate countries for EU membership and whose citizens could not claim asylum.
"We will soon other proposals to ensure effective and quick return [of economic migrants]. The European countries are not sufficiently effective. "
Manuel Valls abounded in his direction by advocating a "unified asylum system" with a "harmonization of rules and benefit levels." "We must reflect on the deployment of European border guards," added Mr Valls. At the request of Germany, France and Britain, a meeting of Ministers of Interior and Justice in Europe to be held September 14 and allow progress in the implementation of these measures.
The end of the press conference was briefly disrupted by a Femen activist. The young woman, naked torso and inscribed on his body, broke into the room, flipping multiple cameras, shouting repeatedly "It took 200,000 deaths to regain your humanity! ", Referring to the results of the war in Syria. She was quickly arrested and then expelled.

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