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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Le Monde- Brazil and Climate Change

 Climate Conference - COP21

COP21: Brazil promises to eradicate illegal deforestation in the Amazon

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Au cours des quarante dernières années, 763 000 km² de forêt amazonienne ont été détruits.

The media in Brazil have described the goals of "bold", the spokesperson of Greenpeace, as "unrealistic". Sunday, September 27, at the United Nations forum (UN), in New York, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced the contribution of his country to contain the warming of the planet.

The country intends to reduce by 37% its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 and 43% by 2030, taking as base year 2005. "Brazil is one of the few developing countries to set an emissions reduction target in absolute terms, "said the president, adding that" these goals are equally or even more ambitious than those of developed ".
In June, alongside US President Barack Obama in Washington, Ms. Rousseff announced a target of 20% emission reduction judged so timid.

"Group of countries seeking a solution"

A few weeks before the conference of Paris on the climate (COP21), to be heldin December, Brazil's contribution to limiting global warming to below 2 degrees was eagerly awaited. The seventh global economy, giant of Latin America, couldgive the "the" to its neighbors.
"The target of Brazil is one of the most ambitious so far presented. President Dilma demonstrates with this announcement that Brazil wants to leave the group of countries that are part of the problem to integrate the countries seeking a solution ", welcomed Carlos Rittl, director of the climate observatory.
On the energy mix, "one of the cleanest in the world," according to Ms Rousseff, Brazil has to source 45% of renewable energy.

Deforestation, climate main scourge of Brazil

But it is the subject of deforestation, climate main scourge of Brazil (the trees being carbon sinks) that scrutinize the experts. Over the past four decades, 763,000 square kilometers of Amazon rainforest have been destroyed. "The equivalent of 184 million courses soccer shaved or twice the size of Germany",recalled in November 2014 Antonio Donato Nobre World, 56 years old researcher at the National Institute for Space Research of Brazil (INPE) and the Amazon Research National Institute (INPA).
Ambitious, Ms. Rousseff has promised the end of illegal deforestation. The commitment is raising eyebrows Marcio Astrini, spokesman for Greenpeace in Sao Paulo. "This plan remains based on a law that has demonstrated that it did not work. But Ms Rousseff does nothing to change this policy. His plan is unrealistic! "He said.
Like other experts, Marcio Astrini, does not digest the relaxation of the Forest Code in 2012 by that which is sometimes called "Chainsaw" or "Miss Deforestation", the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Katia Abreu. The amnesty it has granted to illegal cutters sent a devastating signal impunity. "The country is now a very serious crisis and we said Dilma? She will try in the next fifteen years to make applying the law! It is morally unacceptable, "Mr. Astrini chokes.
Wolfgang Cramer.
Global warming puts biodiversity at risk

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