Translation from English

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Jakarta Post- Headlines

  • Man spends 19 years planting trees to save village from drought

    A 65-year-old man from Wonogiri regency, Central Java, has managed to turn his drought-prone village into a groundwater-rich region by leading a campaign to replant trees on a nearby hill…
  • Few commuters adopt cashless system in paying tolls

    For many commuters, accessing inner and outer Jakarta toll roads requires a good deal of effort due to limited payment options along with the decreasing availability of tollbooths for cash…
  • RI’s second largest dam ready for action

    After weeks of delays, the government kicked off on Monday the filling of Jatigede Dam in Sumedang regency, West Java, marking the completion of another major infrastructure project under the…
  • Suryadharma embroiled in a haj pilgrimage scandal

    The state prosecutor at the Jakarta Corruption Court has accused senior politician Suryadharma Ali of abusing his power during his time as the minister of religious affairs to enrich himself…
  • Another hazy morning

    A boy walks to school on Monday in Pekanbaru, Riau, past an area darkened by smog coming from forest fires. Over the past two months, haze has been blanketing the…
  • Govt paves way to atone for 1965 atrocities

    The government is preparing a comprehensive mechanism to reconcile with all victims of gross human rights violations, including those who suffered from the 1965 anti communist purge. The process is…
  • Govt fears further lay-offs as workers take to streets

    With the economic slump continuing, the government is expecting lay-offs to increase.
  • Licensing still a hassle: Study

    Business licensing processes remain lengthy and complicated in Indonesia’s major cities, despite the launch of a one-stop service program to process business permits more speedily.
  • Carnival

    Dancers wearing colorful batik costumes participate in the annual Jogja Fashion Carnival on Jl. Malioboro in Yogyakarta on Sunday. The parade was organized as part of the Jogja Fashion Week…
  • Discourse: Indonesia,Timor Leste have developed a mature relationship: PM

    The relationship between Indonesia and Timor Leste has improved steadily in the last few years. Timor Leste’s Prime Minister Rui Maria De Araujo, who spent nine years as a student…

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