The Drongo Language Festival started in 2012 as a small event, at Amsterdam central library, on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. When over four hundred people turned up the organisers knew that they were on to something.
Boasting over sixty stand holders, key note speakers from all corners of the world, and children’s activities, the fourth Drongo Language Festival...
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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    • Shuchien Chen This is my finger hahaha! The book is the Chinese version of "the very hungry caterpillar"
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Hundreds of Frisians participated in the Friesian Google Translate week which ran until September 26 and got translating from English into Frisian for the new translation service
Google Translate will soon have as many as half a million Frisian words and expressions in its database, Omroep Friesland reports on Saturday.
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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    • Chrissy Lopez Before I knew barely any Dutch I looked up Zwarte Piet on google translate. It replied with 'Hilary Duff'. Honest truth, but again that was when you could edit GT like wikipedia.
      LikeReply23 hrs
    • Julia McCall Nachtegaal what about basic dutch. as my googel translate was very bluntt b4 but now some words that were tanslated from english to dutch are no longer there my understanding is there are 2 launages in dutch the maybe even 3 there is what they speak up north there is dutch and what they speak in the south and beligum. am i right in thinking this? sorry if it is stupid questions am still learning
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No clouds in Amsterdam so we could see the supermoon, just.
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We are going to set our alarm clocks anyway.
Clouds are expected to move in the Netherlands on Sunday night, scuppering hopes of viewing the eclipse of a supermoon,...
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A group of young Dutch entrepreneurs have devised their own plan to tackle the emerging migrant crisis fast taking its grip over Europe. The team has launched a free Airbnb-style site for refugees to help provide them with temporary accommodation across Europe.
Refugee Hero site connects individuals and organisations offering free housing space with refugees.
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The Dutch Red Cross is looking for volunteers to help new refugees in the Netherlands, from sorting donated clothes to interpreting and first aid. Register via
Ready2Help is een netwerk van mensen die bereid zijn te helpen als dat nodig is. Op dit moment wordt Ready2Help op veel plekken in Nederland ingezet voor de hulp aan vluchtelingen. We zijn hard op zoek naar extra Ready2Helpers die...
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It's one of the most popular exhibits at the Mauritshuis in The Hague and was nearly blown up in an explosion in 1654.
The Goldfinch, painted by Carel Fabritius in 1654, is small but perfectly formed and is one of the most popular...
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Dutch counter terrorism agency NCTV said it has ‘no information’ indicating that large numbers of jihadis are coming to Europe with migrants from the Middle East and northern Africa.
The Dutch security service AIVD has no evidence that IS or other Islamic extremists are trying to smuggle supporters into Europe by pretending they are refugees.
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Erwten soep, poffertjes and oliebollen keep Costa Rican Javier Arias coming back for more. He's stayed in the Netherlands, in part, because it is such an LGBT friendly country.
Costa Rican Javier Arias came to the Netherlands to study four years ago after winning a scholarship to Nyenrode Business...
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The 35th annual dance around the Golden Calf film award kicks off today but various producers have bowed out, not because the calf is too shiny and ostentatious but because it is not shiny and ostentatious enough.
The Netherlands’ most prestigious film festival is about to kick off but it wouldn’t be complete without a little drama...
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Is your Dutch terrible? Doesn't matter your level of fluency, there are still some words everyone uses.
There are some Dutch words which just sneak in to the conversation, either because we use them so much or...
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Two incomes, no kids and good health. Unsurprisingly couples in their 20s are the happiest.
One in three people in the Netherlands is relatively prosperous and say they are in good health and content with life,
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