Translation from English

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Die Zeit- Catalonia Unrest

Catalonia-election:"The voice of thy life"

Regardless of Spain in just 18 months? In Catalonia, the regional elections on Sunday are reinterpreted as a quasi-referendum. This is not only Madrid nervous.
Unabhängigkeitsbefürworter protestieren in Barcelona für die Loslösung von Spanien.
Independence supporters protest in Barcelona for secession from Spain. © Albert Gea / Reuters
Recently Josep Maria Rabella is retired. His evenings spent by the former cartography professor often in his regular bar, with a beer and potato wedges with Knoblauchsauße. Rabella, born in Barcelona and never moved away, is ardent supporter of Catalan independence from Spain. About anything, the small, rather quiet occurring man can get excited as on the conservative Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in Madrid.
"This is terrorism, what is he makes," says Rabella. "To threaten us, no longer to pay the pensions. To say that we would lose the Spanish nationality and fly out of the EU. We want to have only the right to decide our own future." One should not misunderstand him, says Rabella and looking through his glasses with gold frames. "I have nothing against the Spaniards but we Catalans are simply different, we should go our separate ways.."
Independence reveries in Catalonia, Spain's strongest economic region around the city of Barcelona, ​​there is a long time. Languages ​​spoken their own language and emphasized by the own culture, which go to the Middle Ages to back. In the Spanish economic crisis the desire primarily financial grew by more autonomy. Many believe that they are paying too many taxes to Madrid and then seep. Add to that many Catalans reject the central government: Mariano Rajoy applies them as the epitome of a corrupt political caste that was responsible for the crisis in Spain.
Another reason why the Catalan government has the regional elections proclaimed this Sunday for a quasi-referendum on independence from Spain. For the conservative-liberal government president Artur Mas occurs even with the Left Republicans and numerous civil organizations on a joint election list. That's something like would get together in Germany CSU and the Left Party. Accordingly, there is with thee regional election only one program point: Independence. Even the Catalan coach Pep Guardiola Bayern candidate media attention for the Alliance, however, on a conscious hopeless Rank.
The Alliance Junts pel Si (Catalan for: Together for Yes) appeals to the citizens: This is about all that you give "The voice of thy life." For the election-final on Friday night the separatists had sealed off one of the main streets of Barcelona. Tens of thousands schun Celts to Catalan folk songs on the road and laughed loudly when Rajoy were played on large screens interviews of the Spanish Prime Minister."September 27 is a historic day," cried Mas Regional President, contrary to the euphoric mass. "Vote for the change."
Raimundo Viejo takes all "cynical", he says. The 46-year-old political scientist belongs to the inner management circle of the Spanish protest party Podemos, since May he has been a part of the new education department head left municipal government of Barcelona. "Mas and change? Do not make me laugh," says Viejo. In fact, ruled the Catalan government for five years, had recently struggled with declining poll numbers and corruption scandals and there are not a few who believe that he only organizing the independence referendum in order to save his own power. 
Viejo is how many left convinced that there are more pressing problems in the battered by the economic crisis Catalonia, as a spin-off from Spain. But which are simply not an election issue. "I used to like to durchexerzieren the independence of Catalonia as a political lecturer my students," he says. "They quickly realized that the legal means at all is possible on one side." The Spanish National Constitution provides such a situation did not exist and would have to be amended. At this the rest of Spain is expected but have no interest. "Here is done with illusions election campaign", says Viejo and sighs.
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Catalonia independence

CataloniaThe unfortunate history of the Catalans


21 comments Page 1 of 3COMMENT
how many have already Germany wished that bayern ....
.... Although, in the current situation ......
every coin has two sides just yet
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