Translation from English

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Le Monde


The stutter France's regional languages  90

Une école maternelle privée bilingue français-basque, à Biarritz.
The ratification of the Charter of regional languages, campaign promise of Francois Hollande, 2016 could be submitted to Parliament convened in Congress.
Des gendarmes tentent d'empêcher des migrants de s'introduire sur le site de l'Eurotunnel.

Migrants, angle of attack of the summer right  56

The opposition denounces the policy of the executive against the influx of migrants, seeking at the same time to hold the ground against the FN.
Nicolas Sarkozy lors d'un rassemblement du parti " Les Républicains " à Nice le 19 juin 2015.

Sarkozy, the obsession of revenge 162

There is one year, former Head of State assured yet not look to the lost election of 2012.
Jean-Marie Le Pen dans une permanence du Front National à Agen, en janvier 2014.

FN, no summer break in the politico-familial psychodrama  7

Marine Le Pen reconvene his father before the Executive Board on 20 August.
François Hollande et Emmanuel Macron au palais de l'Elysée le 31 juillet 2015.

Macron Law: Constitutional Council validates the essential  15

All or part of 23 of the 308 articles were censored, including the management of nuclear waste stored at Bure.


Le Clic-P a été la cible de vives critiques d'une partie du personnel du magasin Sephora sur les Champs-Elysées. Ces salariés reprochent à l'intersyndicale d'être à l'origine d'une décision judiciaire qui les empêche aujourd'hui de travailler après 21 heures.

Should Sunday remain a day off?

The thorny debate on Sunday working is restarted. A bill introduced by Emmanuel Macron wants back on the busy Sunday. Should we review the current legislation? What benefits could this change? Instead, he will undermine workers' family life?
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Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet gagne une bataille face à Anne Hidalgo.

The provisions "anti-NKM" Grand Paris censored  14

The Constitutional Council censured an amendment that the right was intended to prevent the election of Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet on the board of the Grand Paris.
Christophe Castaner, candidat PS à la présidence de la région PACA, et le premier ministre, Manuel Valls, à Forcalquier, mercredi 5 août.

Policies holiday Manuel Valls

The Prime Minister was in Forcalquier to support the Socialist candidate for president of the region Provences-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
Gilles Rof (Forcalquier, special envoy)
La loi promue par le ministre de l'économie, Emmanuel Macron, prévoit notamment l'ouverture de liaisons nationales d'autocar.

 What has (now) the law Macron  16

The courage to dive into this text 308 articles, 23 of which have been partially or completely censored? It summarizes the essential you.
The Decoders
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Bruno Julliard visiting with migrants.
Migrants to Paris: Julliard denounced "instrumentalization" policy
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