
First love
Appointment of the new mayor of Dijon Monday, August 1, Rebsamen in pole position
An extraordinary council is convened on August 10 to elect the new mayor of Dijon. François Rebsamen should win the election without ...
Like a phoenix
Swimming: Camille Lacourt won gold in the 50m backstroke
The French champion, Camille Lacourt, retains his world title by winning in 24 "23 of the 50 meters backstroke at the World Championships in Kazan, ...
Angelina Jolie reveals the trailer of her film "By The Sea"
Angelina Jolie has unveiled the trailer for his third film as a director, "By The Sea", in which she starred alongside her husband ...
More entourloupe
Furnished accommodation: see list of required furniture
The Ministry of Housing published on Wednesday a decree listing the required furniture for furnished accommodation. They must necessarily contain a ...
A marginal increase
The stable unemployment figures, almost, in June
The number of Class A of unemployed slightly increased in June 2015 with "only" 1,300 additional registrants. If the Ministry of ...

P olicy

Palestine: mass arrests in Jewish settlements
The Israeli police announced Sunday it arrested several suspects in wild colonies in the occupied West Bank, as part of the investigation into ...
As of September 1,
Revaluation of the amount of internal hospital care benefits
The compensation of the guards by hospitals will be uprated internal starting next month and will increase again in 2016.


Swimming: France, finished third in the 4x100m relay medley 4
The French Kazan, concludes the swimming World Championships on a fine third place in the 4x100m relay gained 4 strokes behind Australia and ...
Shoulder to Shoulder
127 associations denounced the "malfunctioning" of Social Welfare for Children
More than a hundred associations have united to denounce the "malfunctioning" of the Social Support for Children with respect ...

T rends eco

Good seed
Vilmorin, beautiful plant bicentennial (VIDEO)
Many of Vilmorin image of small packets of seeds placed at the end of the garden rows, on stakes. Founded there is more than two centuries ...
It carbide
BlaBlaCar riding the wave of holiday departures
The carpooling website BlaBlaCar carbide particularly during the summer. Indeed, on vacation in carpooling seems to settle in ...

The ifestyle

And reduce the risk of cancer
Eat spicy increase longevity
According to a Chinese study, people regularly eating spices live longer than others and would present less risk of ...
The steering wheel skateboard exists (VIDEO)
The Japanese automaker Lexus introduced Tuesday, August 4 video from a professional skateboarder using a skateboard levitation. An object of the cult film ...

C ulture

French Cinema in mourning
Cinema: the death of the director Solveig Anspach to 54
The French-Icelandic director Solveig Anspach died in the night from Friday to Saturday 7 8 suites with breast cancer. She was aged 54 ...
French Cinema in mourning
Cinema: the death of the director Solveig Anspach to 54
The French-Icelandic director Solveig Anspach died in the night from Friday to Saturday 7 8 suites with breast cancer. She was aged 54 ...
I said it!
A German journalist defends migrants on TV
Anja Reschke provided support to migrants arriving in Europe denouncing hate and racist comments from some users, so that ...